Sunday, August 25, 2013

Rescue Mission

Yesterday dawned with a truly unprecedented (at least for this summer) event – my wife and I had nothing on our dance card.  Nature hates a vacuum so events coalesced into a really fun day.  I started out by torturing Buddy the Wonder Pooch.  I’ve discovered that since I’ve lost the weight recently I can now out run him (at least inside the house).  He accepts that my son can routinely outrun him but this was a new experience.  He didn’t handle it well.  My wife came downstairs to find him furiously barking at me while I laughed uncontrollably. 

My wife headed out for her monthly hair ritual – calling it styling would be a gross understatement.  I mentioned that I might go shopping for a new snow blower (see earlier winter posts about the reason this is needed).  She administered a stiff warning that I was not to go shopping without her – apparently she considers this as firmly within her sphere of influence and did not want me wandering around without her acumen.  Obi Wan has spoken!
Driveway Cracks Sealed
I used the intervening time to perform the annual driveway crack sealing exercise.  A tour bus pulled up on the street to observe my effort.  I don’t remember selling tickets to the event but assiduously sucked in my gut for any obligatory photo ops.  The neighbors across the street had arranged the bus for some sort of big event so my ego took another hit.

The best news came in shortly thereafter when my sister called and noted our dance card status from earlier blog entries.  She and my most excellent brother in law decided the vacuum needed filling and suggested dinner at Chuck’s.  Awesome! 
A Fleet to Choose From
My wife returned from her ritualistic ministrations and guided me through the shopping experience.  We stopped at several places and there were lots of choices. In a move that will draw shocked incredulity from readers of the blog I decided to buy a Craftsman despite my winter long diatribe against Sears in general and their snow blowers specifically.  It simply had better features, my neighbor has one that he loves and that being several hundred dollars cheaper all combined to reach the decision.  The Sears people were actually very professional and helpful – color me shocked.  All I currently own is a receipt but the likelihood of using it for at least a couple weekends as I wait for delivery is limited.  I am so psyched I don’t have to go through the tractor mounting again! 
The Unexpected Choice - My New Toy
Continuing the day of shocking developments we arrived at Chuck’s on time only to learn that my sister had arrived early.  I quickly overcame the dismay at having my basic belief system rocked to its core and joined my brother in law at the bar.  I was ostensibly there to show him where our table was but we just had to ensure Uehara came in to preserve a Sox win in L.A.  It was the only way we were going to dine in peace.

There followed a typical dinner experience with my sister and brother in law.  In other words – I had a truly fantastic time.  I always leave these events savoring the time spent and last night was no exception.  There’s almost a short hand to our communication and they’re just so much fun to be around.  They did have some disturbing health news about one of his family which will require some combined prayers and hope, but this is life imposing its will on us.   
So Much Fun Last Night - Here Assembled - Some of Greatest People On Earth
The night, as with all these affairs, ended much too quickly as they had a significantly longer drive home than we did.  They had ably performed the rescue mission of filling the vacuum admirably.  These are the type of unplanned but eminently enjoyable times that make a life complete. 
My Wife and I Last Night - Blurriness of Photo Had Nothing to do
With Amount of Alcohol Consumed - Honest

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