Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fashion Apocalypse

Yesterday I dutifully donned my uniform of the day.  As I’ve written about before, my wife has absolved/prohibited me from making any personal fashion decisions.  This is assuredly a very good thing because I am not exactly adept at making clothing choices – leaning towards comfort instead of style.  Clothes that she doesn’t approve of end up donated or mysteriously disappear.  She decides what clothes I wear to work each day.

She states this is because people who see me looking less than presentable will judge her, not me.  As in, what kind of wife lets her husband out in public looking like that?  Yesterday no less than six different people, including a couple guys at the barber shop, complimented me on the shirt my wife had provided.  I hurriedly explained to each that my wife was to blame for the reasons listed above.
The Shirt that Drew So Much Attention
My wife had a sense of accomplishment when I reported this.  She did want to know the personal histories and dating status of all the women who complimented me though.  Her pride only goes so far. 

We were puttering around in the basement last night and I spied a three piece, pin striped suit my mother bought for me back in the early 1970s.  I tried it on just to show my wife I could fit into it again with the weight I’ve lost.  It had been over two decades since I could fit into it and she looked horrified when it once again fit.  I’ll see if I can find some old photos of the suit.  She’s now afraid I’ll want to wear it somewhere public.  I’ll have to check the clothes donation bags carefully; a lot of good 1970s memories associated with that suit. 
Last night was date night and we returned to a Worcester theater to mix things up a bit.  We saw the latest Simon Pegg/Nick Frost epic – The World’s End, the third of their joint efforts.  I was afraid my wife wouldn’t like it because it was very British (they talk too fast for her) and it promised the usual compliment of profanity.  She ended up loving it which is testimony to just how funny these two Brits are.

Pegg plays the low life this time as he gathers childhood friends for a memorable pub crawl back in their hometown which has been inconveniently taken over by robotic aliens.  This leads to a hilarious chase towards an apocalyptic finish line.  There are so many one line zingers that I know I’m going to have to see this again just to catch the ones I know I missed.  A very funny movie and very British. 
Had Lunch With This Guy Yesterday - He Rocks! As Usual

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