Monday, August 26, 2013

Downsizing Complete

Yesterday was the day I faced the task of confronting my wife’s overconfidence in my carpentry abilities.  She decided the kitchen stools were too tall and despite my stated opinion that the real problem was that she was too short it was decreed that I would be shortening the stool legs.

I tried to explain that this was not as simple as it sounded.  I have a tendency to brag, at least to her, about how adept I am at home repair.  This time it came back to haunt me as she blithely declared I should be able to do it with ease.  She didn’t want to hear about the problems of cutting off the legs when two were straight and the other two curved.  She simply declared that it must be done. 

Over Friday beer I discussed the issue with my excellent boss.  He had a good idea about using a line level, something I’d never used before but at this point I was desperate for ideas.

I headed downstairs yesterday with the stools and told my wife that she could not hold me responsible for the results (unless they were good).  I spent the better part of an hour figuring out the best way to use the line level, tying a string around all four legs to ensure the cuts would be straight. 
First Victim, err, Stool Being Measured For Cutting
When I placed the first stool in position for cutting I felt like an executioner approaching his victim.  Well nothing ventured, nothing gained and away the blade flew.  That was the easy part.  When I finished the first stool one leg was a little longer than the others so, in a slightly panicked mode, I used the saw the trim a little bit more off that leg.  If there’s a patron saint for fools he must have been looking down on me because it came out perfect.  My wife was happy, I was a hero, albeit a very relieved one. 
First Stool Poised for the Cut - Significant Prayers Going On At This Point
I spent just as much time measuring the second one. Since it came out perfect, size wise I just used the cut off ends as a template for the next two.  I think I’m going to cut down on the bragging for a while; it gets me into fixes like this. 
First One Complete! Next To Its Now Taller Brothers
My Wife Sitting in the Now Shorter Stools
Buddy Approves Because Food Will be Lower
The Aftermath - Pay No Attention to the Fact Some Pieces Are Longer than Others
Party In L.A.
I spent the rest of the day cutting the lawn, finishing driveway repairs, and forgetting to make needed phone calls.  I think I was mentally exhausted from the tension of holding the fate of my wife’s kitchen furniture in my undeserving hands.  The Red Sox, those phoenix-like, lovable rag bags helped finish the day by pummeling the pretty boys from L.A.  A good day (thank God!). 
Driveway Repairs

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