Friday, August 2, 2013

Blueberries, Technology Breakthrough At Home and Destiny

The Wife on the Great Blueberry Hunt
Without trying to exert any undue pressure on our children (honest), my wife and I realize there are no grandchildren on even a distant horizon.  We’ve resorted to surrogates.  Yesterday my wife spent a really fun time with the next door neighbor’s two delightful young ladies.  For some reason my wife is fascinated with blueberry picking.  They don’t have blueberries in Panama so she’s always thought of them as exotic.  Since we’re at the height of blueberry season she recruited the next door neighbor and her kids for her annual blueberry picking expedition.  At least she got her grandchild fix for a while.   
The Rest of the Team

Grandparent Fix Achieved

I’m no great shakes when it comes to technology.  My children are sagely nodding after reading that line.  However in comparison my wife makes me look like Steve Jobs due to her intense fear of doing anything on the computer except shopping (where she’s something close to savant level).

It was thus with intense surprise that I came home to find her bubbling over about her day of technological prowess.  Apparently the new server I installed had solved the intermittent problems she was having with her I-Pad.  She finally dove into using it and had successfully installed Skype onto the I-Pad and linked it to our account.  I know this is incredibly easy but for her it represents a quantum leap forward in tech savviness.   
Skyping to Panama
She even figured out how to connect with her sister in Panama and spent most of the evening jabbering away while I retreated to my headphones.  The Red Sox were facing the best pitcher in the majors so I wasn’t expecting much.  My fears were borne out when they were shut down and losing badly just a few innings into the game. 

My wife and I switched off the game to watch a movie, content that the Sox had taken 2 out of 3 from Seattle.  We watched the entire movie and were about to head up to bed when I checked in just to see what the final score had been.  I was floored when I learned the Sox had staged a comeback for the ages and won the game again in their last at bat.  This makes two walk off wins on the same day since the game from the day before extended into the early morning hours of yesterday.

Thank God for the DVR because I immediately started re-winding and was able to get back to the start of the next to last inning where they were losing 7-1.  My wife and I were therefore able to watch them rally and win in truly epic fashion without the attendant fear they wouldn’t complete the comeback.  I know this is cheating but at that point it was our only option and I had to see this.  This team is so much fun, the word “destiny” is starting to encroach into my thoughts.  What can I tell you, I’m a Red Sox fan.   
Destiny Beckons - They're Going to Run Out of Shirts At this Rate

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