Sunday, March 10, 2013

Saturday Chuck Curse Melting

The Fabled Location
After the debacle that was Friday and its mega-snow storm I was prepared for a low key Saturday.  Of course yesterday was the day I had to go into work – so I had that going for me.  Everything was copacetic at work and I was struck again by how professional the employees can be.  Friday was a huge challenge but the drivers and mechanics kept the service going through the teeth of the storm – true heroes.
I returned home for that quiet day with my trusty partner – Buddy the Wonder Pooch. My sister called and demanded my presence to break the Chuck’s Steakhouse curse that has haunted us for nearly seven years.  It’s a restaurant that I’ve driven by literally hundreds of times since I moved here and we’ve always talked about going.  Every time we planned a stop there something has come up.  We were determined to make it this time.  We set up a meeting time and then I waited for something to happen to prevent it. 

I stayed conspicuously in the house - not wanting to tempt fate.  I started my big cellar project by repairing some of the cracks I the concrete floor.  Apparently when our son lived with us and had his weight set down there – he wasn’t as careful as he needed to be.  There were several deep gashes in the floor.  Now I know why you always see mats at the weight room.  I got out the stone chisel and trimmed out the cracks and mixed up some concrete patch.

My concrete mixology was somewhat lacking and I ended up with a huge vat that was ten times what I was going to need.  I made the repairs and then went looking for other places needing some.  I ended up throwing away a whole lot; Buddy was less than impressed.

There was a whole lot of melting going on outside.  The temperature “soared” into the 50’s and you could literally see the snow levels going down.  That three and a half foot stake beside my driveway which had only a couple inches showing on Friday had more than two feet showing by the end of yesterday.  It was kind of stunning.

I made it to the appointed hour and my sister and brother in law showed up.  It would have made more sense for them to meet me at the restaurant since they drove right by it on their way up from Rhode Island.  However my sister needed what she called a “Buddy Fix” since she loves my canine companion.  She’s recovering from a recent knee operation but still made the effort to see Buddy.  He rewarded this devotion by almost knocking her over a couple times – Buddy being Buddy.

We had a great time at Chuck’s which turned out to be an excellent place to eat.  Instead of one big open area here was a series of smaller rooms and booths with book cases and other eclectic decorations.  My brother in law made the sage observation that for a non-chain restaurant to survive since 1978 they must be doing something right.  While I enjoyed the location the real highlight of the night was spending time with two of the finest people drawing oxygen.  Just spending time with these two individuals did so much to cut into the aching loneliness I experience coming home each night.  Much like my daughter last weekend.  I am blessed with my family and friends.
My Dinner Dates - Awesome People
The Site of my Son's Former Weight Lifting Efforts

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