Sunday, March 3, 2013

Father Daughter Time

Yesterday was extremely low key but it will still go down as one of my favorite days ever.  The company you get to spend time with makes all the difference.  I journeyed through the always entertaining Connecticut traffic to pick up my daughter at the New Haven train station.  We had no concrete plans other than spending the day together and seeing some movies (of course). 

This was the first time in forever that it was just her and I.  It was so much understated fun.  We had lunch at Cracker Barrel coming back to Massachusetts and then settled in for some couch potato time to watch a movie she brought with her – The Fall.

It’s the kind of movie I never would have gone out of my way to see but the visuals were awesome and while the story was a little forced it was a truly remarkable film.  We then just kind of fell into working on my latest jigsaw puzzle together and missed out on a planned movie theater excursion.  We also fielded a couple phone calls, including one from her mother/my wife in Panama. 

My wife has complimented me on becoming a better phone conversationalist during this year’s absence and my daughter now knows the secret to my success.  I work on the puzzle while I talk (well she does most of the talking anyways). 

We ended up spending a couple hours working together on the puzzle and that turned out to be quality time.  We were surprised so much time had passed and headed out for a late dinner which turned out to be even more fun.  There’s an easy camaraderie between us when we start talking about writing, movies, or our latest favorite books.  I’m firmly convinced she’s going to be a famous writer someday.  We finished the day (night) back on the couch watching Zodiac which amazingly I had never seen.  It was such a good movie but it was a marathon and we didn't finish it until almost 1AM. 

Any father who’s been lucky enough to have a daughter knows there is a special relationship between fathers and daughters.  While I can’t ever seem to get enough of either of my kids, yesterday was the first time it was just her and I in a very long time.  No other competing events or spousal considerations for either of us.  I was given the rare chance to just enjoy the remarkable young lady that the little pig tailed dervish grew into. So . . . .Much . . . . Fun!!!! 

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