Saturday, January 14, 2017

Locked Out and In

The Rescued Parties
One of the benefits of living in Worcester for the past two years has been the ability to come home for lunch from work. After eight years of eating at my desk it’s been a welcome mid-day decompression point. My wife is now a huge fan of it as well based on what happened yesterday. I pulled into the garage and found both her and the Wonder Pooch waiting for me on the garage steps. While I thought this was very touching I knew something was amiss as winter temperatures had returned which means my wife becomes allergic to the outside.
After the obligatory hug from wife and customary crotch kick from the Wonder Pooch I noticed she was wearing one of my very old sweaters. She confessed she had accidently locked herself out of the house while taking Buddy out for a constitutional. Her phone and car keys were inside as well. Since she knew I would be coming home for lunch she decided to wait for my return. She rummaged through a couple bags of clothes we’re donating and toughed out the time until I returned. She was a little miffed when I showed her where the key to the house was, approximately two feet from where she had been sitting for forty-five minutes. I was then thoroughly castigated for not telling her about the key before. My only defense was that she was hardly ever here and I had done this during one of her many absences over the past year.
35 Years Ago Today
She recovered enough to join me for a very lively First Friday celebration. She’s gotten more comfortable driving into Brew City and enjoys hanging out with my co-workers. I know that every time I see her walking in the afternoon gets a little brighter. It's weird, 35 years and counting and she can still slay with those eyes. As a matter of fact it was 35 years ago today that we were married. It was just the civil ceremony so she didn't recognize us being married until she walked down the church aisle in March (despite my very cogent arguments to the contrary at the time).
We had to rush home because we’d invited several elements of the Latin Mafia for pizza and a movie night in the Man Cave. So the fun didn’t even pause, as it usually does after a return from First Friday. After pizza (steak for keto-ized me) we adjourned to the Cave where I was able to bombard the guests with the new sub-woofer. We watched one of my favorite movies from 2016 – The Accountant. This is exactly what I envisioned when I saw the Man Cave the first time. Beer, friends, and movies – does it get any better than that?

We’re taking off this afternoon for an overnight visit to my hometown to watch the Patriots playoff game with the Keene Friend. My wife has had an itch for tax free shopping since her return from Panama a couple months ago but our schedule has been so busy that it hasn’t been possible. My daughter has been criminally negligent with posting new photos of the First Blog Reader but she did publish on Facebook a two month version of a 1-second-a-day video which was dazzling. Since I can’t go a post without some photographic evidence of the sun source of my fascination I’ll throw up one of my favorites featuring three generations of beauty.
The Three Generations

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