Friday, January 6, 2017

Gaining Purchase

Smiling Girl
I thought I’d successfully avoided he inevitable lecture from my wife when I failed to sustain any noticeable injuries from yesterday’s acrobatic spill. As luck would have it, yesterday was one of the rare occasions she actually read the blog (always a dangerous eventuality). So I received her somewhat guarded after action review of my failure to wear traction shoes on deckzilla yesterday. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut about my own failings?
Our New Side Table with the Purchaser in Chief
She was somewhat guarded because I’d approved her latest purchase. There was an empty space in the breakfast nook that had been gnawing at her and as luck (there’s that word again) would have it she just happened to chance upon a perfect table for the space while wandering through the local mall. Since it was just down the street from my office I was summoned because she couldn’t figure out how to dismount the First Blog Reader’s car seat to make room the table. I was summarily dismissed after performing this assistance (thank God). 
She Loves Animals - Family Trait
She and her purchasing attorney (the neighborhood Mafioso) got the store to further reduce the price when they placed a sticker on the top that left a faint mark. When she eventually returned home and tried to show me the mark she couldn’t find it – they are extremely dangerous together. They were out running around so long that she missed the nightly call with the granddaughter.
Curbside Playtime
I was able to inflict even more pain when I said our granddaughter asked for her “abuela” no less than three times. While I was a little miffed that I apparently was not entertaining enough it certainly made my wife’s night when she heard about it despite her cries of anguish about missing the call. They’re prepping for a return to California tomorrow so I’m hoping their New Jersey stay made a good impression.

And Reading Hour with her Host
It should be an interesting day at Trump Tower today when the president elect gets his intelligence briefing on Russian hacking. I find it interesting that the same news media which scoured the CIA for their missteps on the Pre-Iraq War buildup and mythical weapons of mass destruction are now flying to the CIA’s defense because Trump had the temerity to question the intel. It might be a good thing that the intel community has to fully backup their “assessments” and they’re not accepted at face value at 1600 Pennsylvania. I can’t believe I just said a good thing about Trump, I’m a little disgusted with myself. 

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