Saturday, May 24, 2014

Type Casting

One of the enduring lessons of my life is the trap represented by categorizing an entire group of people based on observations of the most visible representatives of that group.  It is of that failed manner of thinking that racism and all too many other of our social ills are perpetuated.  It’s easy to think all Muslims are inherently evil when you see the words and actions of the radical Islam that dominate our airwaves. I found the everyday Muslims I’ve met in my journeys around the world as uniformly nice and welcoming. I honestly believe they have the ability to carve out the cancerous growth on their reputation that is radical Islam that extends their inability to move forward in so many countries.   
African-Americans shouldn’t be judged by rap “singers” or even more idiotic athletes any more than white people should be judged by skin headed nazis.  I still believe one of the most profound statements of the past century was Dr. King’s hope that people would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.  It’s very educational to be the member of an actual minority population as I’ve been in several places I lived during my military career.  The enduring lesson I took out of those experiences is that there are idiots in every culture/society and they are the true minority.  Defining them as idiots is not racism until you extend the judgment to all others of the same race. 
My Boss Monitoring Traffic Yesterday
esterday’s First Friday of the Week celebrations unfolded exactly as expected – fantastically.  My excellent boss who has a monster commute through the teeth of the supposedly monumental Memorial Day traffic decreed that we should convene our Brew City session remarkably early.  I was unable to produce a cogent reason to argue with his reasoning.  He, however, made a critical error but bringing his i-pad to monitor traffic on his chosen route home.  Every time he would check it and it was clear we would order another round.  By the end of the afternoon we were concocting alternate routes for him in order to justify the next round.  It was a lot of fun.
My Date With the New Pizza Selection
Pizza Overload Zone
The fun continued with my weekly Zorba’s date with my favorite Panamanian.  She even blew off yoga class.  I’d like to tell you that was because she wanted to extend her stint with my charming personality and not that she took so much time choosing an outfit that class time passed but you can do that math. She woke me on the couch (long week at work don’tcha know!) and we were soon safely emplaced in the middle of Zorba’s Friday frivolity.  My wife threw another curve ball when she decided we needed to abandon our traditional pepperoni for a pizza of not only pepperoni but bacon, ham, hamburger, sausage and various other species of dead animal flesh.  Again, I felt it beneath me to argue with her and “suffered” through this iteration.

Thank You MEF!!!
The MEF must have been channeling positive energy my way last night because my wife finally relented and we topped the night off with a stop at Ronnie’s for the first ice cream on the new season.  Buddy was suitably impressed when we returned. I have the scratches on my arm to prove his interest in the ice cream I carried in.   

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