Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother’s Day Celebrations – Day 2

Day 2 festivities got off to a perplexing start with my son and I attempting to make pancakes for his mother, my wife.  We had a recipe specifically pointed out to us by the recipient of the impending meal and felt semi-confident in our ability to execute the mission.  We ended up with pancake batter with a lot of chunks of cream cheese floating around in it.  This didn’t seem normal but we presumed they must melt from the heat while cooking.  We fished the largest chunks out ahead of time and went for it.
My Son With the Chunky Pancakes
It turns out we were supposed to use the blender versus the mixer although the recipe clearly gave us the option of either.  For the actual cooking I pulled rank and delegated the task to my son who pointed out that he’d never cooked pancakes before.  I blithely informed him that we shared the same qualification level and he had younger reflexes.  While the pancakes were not an artistic success my wife deemed them edible while opening her Mother’s Day gifts. The gift and card opening held the customary attendant water works.  My son and I were hoping the crying was emotion-based rather than a reaction to our breakfast efforts.
Looks Great Even When She's Crying
Despite what you read here fairly often, my wife does a serious character flaw – she doesn’t think she was a good mother.  She thinks she was too tough on our kids when they were young and that they resent her.  While nothing could be further from the truth she always gets overcome with emotion when she realizes just how much they truly love her.  When you consider she came to this country without speaking the language and was “blessed” with a husband who disappeared for long periods of time to play with his well-armed friends I am amazed she can even conceive that she wasn’t a great mom.  I always offer as conclusive evidence of her maternal capacity the two children she raised – case closed.
Son in Law, Daughter and Bro in Law at the Mets

Bro in Law, Sister, and the In Laws on the Other Side
My daughter couldn’t make it up due to baby shower commitments (lamentably not her own J) and she was sorely missed although we did get to Skype with her from her NYC bathroom (everyone else was still asleep in the apartment and the wife does tend to vocalize).  I know she missed being with us but those feelings were softened to a certain degree when she linked up with my sister and the excellent Rhode Island in-law clan for a New York Mets baseball game.  I was happy she got to spend at least part of the day with family and she probably wasn’t asked once about our future grandchildren.
Heading to Church in Dress I Bought her for Mother's Day
Luckily I was not Involved in Purchasing Process
Back in Massachusaletts, after a hurried journey to church, our next mission was a trip up to New Hampshire to spend the afternoon with the MEF and her equally most excellent parents.  They always invite Buddy the Wonder Pooch when we come up but I have resisted due to Buddy’s well known aptitude for chaos and the resident two rather large cats.  Since it was Mother’s Day and we could not refuse her anything, my wife declared that Buddy would join us.  He was almost as excited (meaning just short of apoplectic) to get on the road as my son was, who was seeing the MEF for the first time in ten days.
The Two Moms Out on the Deck

We spent a fantastic afternoon ensconced on a sun lit deck with some of the nicest people in the world.  I’ve written before about how much fun we have whenever we’re lucky enough to hang out with the MEF’s parents.  Granted our kids were there to add to the enjoyment but the MEF’s parents have that rare ability to make you feel so welcome that it’s like you’ve known them for your entire life. 
We did the barbecue thing and took a short walk around the neighborhood to prepare our bodies for the nutritional shock of one of the MEF’s signature moves – chocolate cake with ice cream.  She added a twist this time by adding a special wine poured over the ice cream. 
The Fun Bunch
The Buddy experiment was a mixed and extremely limited success. The shocked cats disappeared upon his arrival and when they did wander back into sight Buddy welcomed them by hurling himself against the door of the deck trying to get at them.  He did settle down and only knocked over one plant but he didn’t distinguish himself as a house guest.  I’m sure the MEF’s parents will not be as liberal with their canine invitations in the future.
We made our way home after a truly pleasant day spent with these excellent people and my wife immediately got to work on catching up on her backlog of Mother’s Day phone calls.  Since she decided to do this right next to me on the couch and I couldn’t say anything (Mother’s Day!) I donned the head phones and attacked the DVR list.  It’s testimony to how involved her phone calls were that she didn’t even flinch when Dean Winchester beheaded a couple demons.  I wasn’t brave enough to try Hannibal out on her though; there has to be some limits.

Wife and Son
So, a great day, if a daughter short but we get her for a couple weekends straight near the end of the month.  

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