Monday, February 11, 2013

Lethargic Battle

Pullo and Vorenus - Role Models?
I’m extremely disappointed in myself.  Saturday was tough, physically.  I can’t remember the last time I went to bed as early as 9:30 at night.  I even slept through a phone call from my sister which was troubling since the phone was right next to me.  I expected to bounce back yesterday and I was looking forward to getting down to Rhode Island to join my bro in law for a minor league hockey game.  I mean, really looking forward, to escaping the house after the forced snowpacyalpse confinement.

Unfortunately my body was not responding to my preferences.  I woke up with a general sense of malaise that is not typical for me.  I let the house cleaning go undone and just wandered around for most of the morning trying to figure out what I had to do.  The driveway needed to be re-done thanks to the blowing snow and a new snow bank at the bottom thanks to street plowing.  I needed to lay in supplies for the week via the grocery store, as well as laundry, ironing, and cooking.  Typical of these separations, I gain an immense amount of respect for how much my wife does for me, when she’s around.

I just couldn’t seem to get going and the scariest thing for me was that I’m not sure it was all physical.  The military teaches you to ignore the physical and just keep going – something I’ve always been fairly good at.  That wasn’t happening yesterday and I’m a little bit fearful I may be losing an edge.  I had to call my bro in law to beg off from the game as I just couldn’t seem to muster the energy to get everything else I needed to get done as well as the game – it really pissed me off.

I did get the auger belt replaced on the snow blower but it still didn’t work.  Buoyed by my atypical mechanical successes of the previous day I attempted to locate and fix the problem.  One of the shear pins needed to be replaced but that didn’t solve the problem.  I eventually figured out the nearly four hours of work on Saturday combined with the sixteen degree temperatures led to the impellor blade to freeze shut. (kind of proud I now know what an impellor blade is!)  I left the snow blower near the garage door over night and hence everything was still frozen.  Since I didn’t have time to wait for thawing I spent a half hour with the old snow shovel and escaped to the grocery store.

Since I was not accompanied by the “calorie Nazi” I did indulge a little heavily in the cookie aisle (hope she doesn’t read this).  I also bought Buddy a new stuffed squirrel since he totally eviscerated his Christmas squirrel.

I returned home to complete the other tasks and watched the finale of the Kevin Spacey series, House of Cards, on Netflix.  Spacey can be a truly insidious dude when he wants to be.  I also spent some time with Lt Hanley and SGT Saunders of Combat as well as Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus of the HBO series Rome. (some truly gnarly dudes)  My favorite historical era is Republican Rome and this series did a fantastic job of recreating that world.  Buddy spent the time quickly opening up his new toy and removing the squeak maker – something he has an uncanny ability to do.

I also decided that today was the start of getting back in shape because at least part of my lethargy has to be attributed to the poor physical shape I’ve allowed myself to devolve to during the unavailability of the health club pool.  Edge – here I come.
Cold Impellor
Buddy's New Squirrel Next to the Chsrtstmas Squirrel
While Buddy Demonically Waits
Surgery Commences
New Puzzle Spread Out but Not Started

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