Friday, February 8, 2013

Augering for Traction

The Surgical Floor - Out with the Old, etc
So, hysteria reigns as New England braces for the huge snow storm.  I think we’ve got too many flatlanders running around here because a flake hasn’t dropped yet and the news coverage would make you think the apocalypse is imminent.  Why does news have to be dramatic, give the facts and we’ll figure things out.  It seems a dangerous slope to be on where we depend so totally on the news media when their job is to make what they’re reporting as “interesting” as possible.

That being said, I’m probably going to end up stranded on a road somewhere bemoaning the fact I didn’t take warnings more seriously.

I returned home last night and immediately performed the auger belt surgery required for my snow blower.  Things seem to go well but we’ll see if it passes the acid test it’ll get this weekend.   Buddy supervised and seemed skeptical of the results.  The neighbors called with the name of a snow plow guy so they must have seen my recent struggles with the beloved, but flawed snow blower.  I’ve got great neighbors.

My son called and reported his flight to Panama was cancelled (again – no snow has fallen yet).  I reported this to the Panamanian base of operations and my wife was understandably crushed.  She immediately began planning a modified itinerary based on his new Sunday arrival.  I told her it was kind of cruel debating what beach to go to when I’m facing snowmageddon.

I spent the evening working on my puzzle and catching up on Justified.  If you haven’t seen this FX series you are missing something special.

Late in the evening my son called again and reported that his flight was back on!  I woke my wife up with the news and she immediately wanted my input on renovating her retired plans.  I love her enthusiasm.  I’ll be responsible for reporting my son’s Boston departure to the David, Panama base of oeprations so she can commence movement from there to Panama City.  I almost feel like I’m back in the Army.
Puzzling Progress

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