Monday, August 22, 2016

Unification Day

Although it’s only for a short time a family was reunited out in California over the weekend and everybody involves seems to be very happy with that development. Wingman spent nearly twenty-five hours journeying back to L.A. from London, arriving around midnight on Saturday night, much to the delight of a certain daughter of mine. Her joy was magnified when the First Blog Reader awoke to find her daddy waiting for her.
Showing Daddy How Her Newest Toy Operates
By the time we were video chatting with them later in the day none of her joy had dissipated. Every time she looked over and saw Wingman a huge smile would spread across her face. They engaged in a lively game of catch and throw with a ball which had her grandfather imagining her in the 2036 Olympics because that’s how grandfathers roll.
The Signature Arm Reach
We didn’t even realize Wingman was due home until we received an instant message with a photo of the granddaughter with a couple Angora rabbits. My sharp eyed wife exclaimed that she recognized the very singularly attired arms of our son in law reaching out for her in the photo. We were having a picnic dinner at the Neighborhood Mafioso’s’ house at the time and couldn’t wait to get home to connect with them. Although he has to head back out on the road for the absolute final phase of their farewell tour in a couple weeks, for at least a while balance was restored to their lives and I couldn’t get over how happy each of them looked. They encountered the rabbits at a Hollywood type birthday party where the granddaughter put her recent feline gentleness lessons to good use.

Party Time
The Mafiosos rescued us from a very solitary Sunday which wasn’t a bad thing considering the Italian oriented excesses of the two prior days. It was nice sitting out on their patio and sharing a perfect summer evening with them and another fun couple. I’d spent the hot afternoon mowing my dirt which pre-drought was called a lawn. My wife insisted on full burka attire since my latest meeting with the dermatologist that added to the enjoyment of the hot day.
I finished off yet another of CG Cooper's Corps Justice series with Chain of Command. Once again Cooper wandered into a political gamesmanship scenario instead of his true strength of close combat, at which he excels. As with the other book int he series that stayed with a political plot this wasn't as much fun to read. A nefarious plot to eliminate the entire Marine Corps is a completely implausible story which made this probably the toughest book in the entire series, which I've really enjoyed so far, to read. 

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