Monday, July 1, 2013

Memory Lane Recovery Day

I found another reason to thank my mother yesterday morning for one of her most enduring lessons.  That lesson being - if I drink a lot of beer I should take some alka seltzer before I go to bed.  Since the night before at the very memorable anniversary party certainly met the criteria I thanked her again when I arose with a semi-clear head yesterday.
Sox Win Yet Again
Yesterday was mundane catch up on the weekend chores in payment for all the fun of the first half of the weekend.  The lawn beckoned and since it’s supposed to rain all week – there was no putting that off.  I stayed out long enough to come in for the tail end of the Red Sox game which turned out to be perfect timing.  Their closer blew a lead in the 9th only to have the sox rally to win it in their half – something special about this team.

If you’ve read the blog for any time you know I undertook a massive cleaning of the basement during my wife’s prolonged winter absence.  There was a huge pile of memorabilia that I didn’t dare process with my usual savoir faire attitude and she finally attacked that pile yesterday.

I made a huge tactical mistake when I couldn’t get a blu ray to work and went down to ask her how it was going.  She used her wifely wiles to trap me into helping her and four hours later we finished.

It turned out to be a very nostalgic ride down memory lane as most of the time was spent going through literally thousands of photos.  We found photos of our parents before we were born and then from our own childhoods but the vast majority revolved around our kids and our life with them while they were growing into superb adults.

We saw old friends and cherished locations.  We saw the last pictures of my father, younger than I am now, before his untimely death.  There were pictures of my mother aging from a vibrant young woman to a matron surrounded by her grandchildren.  We saw the pets, long gone now, but a huge part of our family during their life and still possessing a large part of our hearts. 

We’ve had these treasures stored away for years and it was nice to walk down that lane with the woman who has shared so many of the same adventures with me.  I highly recommend it as a way to cherish and honor those bygone times, people, and places. 

I’ve included some of those pictures here to give you an idea of the trek my wife and I took.
A Letter From My Daughter When I was Deployed For Several Months
Featuring the Legendary Mindy the Cat
I Just Returned from Field Training and Was Memorably Greeted by Sklya and Estrella
My Wife and Friends in NYC Less than a Year Before 9-11
My Daughter With her Youthful Idol - (she's going to kill me for this)
I Couldn't Resist - My Sister in Law Absolutely Rocking a Bikini
(now I really am a dead man)
My Wife and I in 1982 - Her First Cold Christmas
My Son Helping to Promote me to Colonel
My Daughter and I in 1984
Me on the Left in College

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