Sunday, July 21, 2013

Boneheaded Movie Going

Yesterday was the first weekend day in what seemed like months that my wife and I had nothing planned and we kind of liked finally being able to take a small breath.  It was all done inside since the oppressive heat wave lasted through most of the day.

My wife is on a diet of her own - Paleo - , not that she needed it, after she learned she couldn't hang with the keto diet.  She's lost about ten pounds and looks great.  This means she can fit back into dresses she had long ago consigned to the basement.  She scared the hell out of me when she said she needed to go shopping for dresses but it turned out she was only headed for the basement and some of her old outfits.  She came bouncing downstairs all excited because a cherished dress of yesteryear fit her once again.  She has a very infectious joy about her.
Wife Modeling a Rediscovered Treasure
I did take on, for what was for me at least, a huge technical project – replacing my internet cable modem.  I know that anyone with even a modicum of technical expertise this is a very simple operation – but remember we’re talking about me.  The cable company sent the modem to me with some very simple seeming instructions.  I waited for a couple days to ensure it could be reversed if I failed as miserably as I anticipated.  The final step was to log on and enter a code on the cable company’s website. 
The Box With New Modem and Target Area
What they never explained is how you log on if the modem hasn’t been activated, which I later learned was required.  I completed the operation and nothing worked – including my wife’s bat phone to Panama – disaster!  So I called the cable company who calmly explained the modem did indeed need to be activated which they did in about two minutes and everything worked.  I immediately informed my wife that maybe I should look for a career in the IT field – she appropriately fell into paroxysms of laughter.
The New Modem Installed and Working - Panamanian Bat Phone on Left
We decided to check out the movie Red 2 because we enjoyed the original so much.  Since my new modem was functioning so flawlessly my wife was video chatting with a friend down in Panama.  I reminded her we had to get going so it was a rushed trip to the theater with me at my most impatient worst.  As we scrambled out of the car I had trouble locking the car remotely but was so distracted (didn’t want to miss the previews!) that I didn’t confirm it (remember this for later).
What You'd Expect - Fun
The movie was everything we hoped it would be.  All the fun characters of the original return and are thrown into another outlandish adventure.  The chemistry between Willis and Parker really works and Malkovitch plays crazed assassin to the hilt.  It seemed like every secondary character was a major star as well.  Anthony Hopkins shows up and acts his ass off as usual.  A great Saturday summer movie without any message other than some good kick ass fun.

We then returned to the parking lot and our completely unlocked car.  Not only was it unlocked but it was still running.  We have one of those push button ignitions and apparently in my hurry to get into the movie I had missed the button.  That was why the car wouldn’t lock – it had been running for the entire length of the movie!  Thank God we live in a small town and no one thought to get into the car and drive off – what a complete bonehead I am!!!  We were almost out of gas so we quickly limped to a nearby gas station while my wife enjoyed my self-recriminations.
Buddy and his Knuckle Bone
The rest of the day was spent parked in front of the television and gearing up for a series of thunderstorms due to finally kill the heat wave.  This of course meant ground zero for Buddy’s melt downs.  The storms were very weak around here but that didn’t keep Buddy from reacting.  A large knuckle bone kept him from even noticing the storm for a while.  He finally came up for a breath and noticed the storm was going on and immediately went into Pendejo mode.  He was shortly wearing his thunder shirt and I administered the storm stress drug.  If you ever want something fun to do – try dripping ten drops into the mouth of a panicking 80 pound dog.  Wonder of wonders, he actually calmed down and came over the couch and sat down next to us – color us amazed.

Buddy Amazing Calm (and drugged) During Storm

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