Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Frenzy Commencing

So, we’re hosting this huge party this weekend to celebrate the engagement of our son and the MEF.  We have a history of hosting parties back into my military days and it always means my wife will enter what I refer to as “the prep zone” which is not good news to anyone that lives with her.   She becomes very focused on party prep and goes to agonizing lengths to ensure even the smallest detail is taken care of.  Like I said, bad news for Buddy and I, as the sole targets of her wrath at uncompleted details. 

She gets so focused that she forgets to eat meals and eventually runs out of gas.  Yesterday I made the tactical mistake of reminding her to eat so her energy stores were full when I got home from work.  After hanging pictures, cleaning air conditioning vents, and finally sorting out the last remaining basement items I thought I was due for a break.  That’s when she pulled out a steaming vat of hamburger meat (Buddy instantly became my boon companion again – emerging from where he was safely out of the path of the charging Panamanian).

I was detailed to empanada construction duty which we did together into the wee hours of the morning.  At least we had the Sox game on since they’re still out on the left coast.  It was pretty entertaining as their rookie pitcher worked his hardest to earn a trip back to the minors by giving op 7 early runs.  The Sox finally decided to start hitting again and eventually won a slug fest.  Buddy did his part by hoovering up any hamburger that had the audacity to escape empanada entombment.
The Answer?
Speaking of the wonder pooch.  Yesterday I acquired a package of Storm Stress which is supposed to be a natural chemical to help dogs deal with fear of thunder storms.  We’re launching this chemical attack so Buddy won’t stress himself into an early grave.  Storm Stress will certainly get its acid test in the wonder pooch.

One of the things I found while I was down in the basement was the advertisement for our home which first caught our eye back in 2005 when we bought it.  I was amazed at how much the front has changed and how much better it looks now.  This is a tribute to my wife’s taste as she directed all of the changes. She’s the one who wanted the front stairs wider and covering up the naked front with flower gardens and plants.  There was a little bit of hard work from yours truly and several friends dragooned into the effort as well but I felt a sense of accomplishment seeing the difference we’d made. 
What the House Looked Like When We Bought It

What It Looks Like Now

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