Friday, August 3, 2012

Watch Out

So yesterday was date night postponed from Wednesday due to the sublime son visit.  We faced a quandary as my wife and I headed to the movie theater.  The only new movie out was The Watch.  I went out on a limb and guessed that my wife was going to hate it, I wasn’t too sure about my own feelings about it but it was my only real choice.  The big problem was that the only other movie we hadn’t seen was Step Up Revolution.  I defy anyone to propose any enticement, no matter how bizarre, that could get me to go watch that movie.  I’m just saying it would take some form of paralytic drug to get me inside the door of that theater – I even felt leery walking by the door.  We approached a turn off where we could have headed back home and I told my wife that it was decision time.  She knows how much I enjoy the weekly movie night so she said she would see Step Up while I could go to The Watch.  I honestly would have preferred seeing a movie together but there was no way either of us was going to see each other’s movie.  The Watch turned out to be barely watchable.  Stiller and Vaughn really mailed this one in, taking characters from some of their recent, more successful films and trying to channel them into this.  It seemed a real vanity piece in which Hollywood threw a lot of money at them and they got a bunch of friends together to ad lib around a really thin plot. The only thing memorable about the movie was an actress named Rosemary DeWitt, playing Stiller’s wife, who seemed to be the only one who was actually trying.  My son warned me not to see this movie – guess I just might have to start listening to good advice.  My wife really liked her dancing movie – go figure.  Before we left for the movie my wife had to take some “head shot” photos of me which turned out to be pretty comical.  My company is putting together a proposal for a contract renewal and they needed head shots for both my boss and I.  He is a former politician and had some professionally made photos which looked great.  I was less prepared.  When he asked if I had any photos I could crop to just a head shot I winced.  Most of the photos I had of myself usually involved a Coors Light in one of my hands.  My wife loved the opportunity to direct and I came downstairs wearing a suit jacket and tie with no pants which Buddy thought was hilarious and worthy of extremely distracting and painful (for me) sniffs.  When we got back from the movies we had DVRed the Olympic coverage which allowed us to fast forward through the commercials and any time Costas was on screen = win. I also finished another book yesterday.  I've written before about favorite authors who I ignore for a few years so they can build up an inventory of books to read.  Last week I started reading Raymond Feist again who's written some truly great fantasy novels set in a world called Midkemia.  After the first few chapters I realized that I had missed a couple of books in the series because some major charachters were dead and there was this whole new race of beings referenced as if they were old news (remember - fantasy here).  So I headed back to the trusty Amazon kindle store and found I had missed not one but two previous novels.  Twenty seconds later I owned both (lovin the kindle store!) and started reading the first, Rides  A Dread Legion.  I really enjoyed the read as Feist does a great job of describing action and there's a lot of head bashing not to mention a six foot blond female knight who's really good with a mace - what's not to like.  Feist has gone as far as he can with some of these characters but I'm glad he's still churning out these novels because it's like visiting old friends.  It is kind of sad that to keep things moving he has to kill off some of them but if he didn't I'd be complaining about how stale it had become.  If you like Feist and Pug (unfortunate name for a superhero but there it is), which I do, you'll love this return to the world of Midkemia and The Kingdom, I did.
My Official Head Shot
Not Much to Work With But Buddy Enjoyed It

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good, Dad! And I totally would have told you to avoid The Watch. I like Rosemarie DeWitt because she was a great character in the first season of Mad Men. She's a wonderful actress!
