Thursday, August 30, 2012

Buddy Descending

The New Buddy Barriers
Couch with the Hidden Tunnel in the Background
Buddy the Wonder Pooch AKA “Pendejo” continues his descent into insanity.  Now all it takes is a simple rain storm to send him off the deep end – it doesn’t even require thunder.  Yesterday it was raining lightly when I got up and Buddy as his usual chipper self – incredibly glad to see me as always.  We went out to get the newspaper and Buddy made his normal frantic and futile charge after the front yard squirrels.  He seemed fine with the rain and cheerfully followed me back up after properly chastising the gray banes of his existence.  After I left for work he apparently lost his mind because my wife woke from a sound sleep to a disturbance downstairs.  When she went down to investigate she found Buddy actively trying to burrow into her very expensive living room couch. To say she was apoplectic would give apoplexy a bad name.  As soon as she appeared Buddy calmed down immediately. She erected some barriers to thwart any future designs Buddy had on finding the tunnel hidden in the couch, and then turned on the TV really loud in the kitchen before returning to bed.  This seemed to work fine as Buddy got through the rest of the rain without causing any further damage.  I’ve got a weird dog.  Last night, for our date, my wife and I went to see Hit and Run, which was mediocre at best.  This is the first clear miss for Bradley Cooper, whom I normally like a lot, but he missed by a lot.  He played the bad guy, a white guy with dreadlocks and a penchant for dogs.  If you saw the preview for this movie you saw all of the funny parts.  I don’t know quite what to make of Dax Shepard, the lead actor.  He’s a pretty good actor but he was also involved in the writing and producing of this bomb so he doesn’t get a pass.  This seemed like another vanity piece where the producers got a bunch of friends together and they ad libbed a lot of the dialogue.  This works when you have really funny people doing it but that wasn’t the case here.  Bell the lead actress played a non-violent conflict resolution expert who was involved with a bunch of criminals so they had a great premise, they just didn’t follow through with it.  It was completely disjointed where some plot lines just weren’t relevant, needed, or even followed through with.  A clear miss, don’t go see this movie, unless of course you are a fan of grotesque, senior citizen frontal nudity.

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