Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday Travails

The Street in Front of the House Yesterday
Yesterday was just flat weird, not in a spectacular fashion, just garden variety weird.  I got home just in front of this huge construction vehicle which was grading the street in front of the house, which is still a dirt road.  I asked the road guard what the plan was and he said they were putting the base “coat” down on Thursday.  I have no idea what that means and since my son is sailing the high seas in the Mediterranean I have no expert to consult.  I did channel my inner child by going out and watching the road grading taking place.  My wife came back from her afternoon adventures and was sixteen kinds of bubbly about everything – in other words – her normal self.  She’s decided to volunteer to be a Meals on Wheels driver to deliver meals to the elderly and was excited about the prospect.  Thank God for the invention of the GPS system which makes this possible for my direction challenged better half.  We sat for dinner together and she put this truly (to me) grotesque mixture on top of her salad.  It looked like some relish had lost a fight with some sort of mystery fluid.  She noticed my glances at the mystery mixture and assured me this was healthy stuff (therefore not appropriate for my palate) and that this would ensure she remained hale and hearty.  She was on the phone with her mother consulting about the long awaited surgery for my wife’s father.  For all those proponents of socialized medicine such as in my wife’s home country – her father has had a painful hernia for at least nine months and had to wait that long in pretty excruciating pain for the doctor to become available to perform the surgery.  When I returned from my nightly swim I found my wife in abject misery, a total 180 degree turn from just the one hour prior.  She was dizzy and feared her blood pressure was spiking which is a huge concern based on her medical history.  I got her upstairs and we tested her blood pressure which was normal.  It became obvious due to the arrival of some spectacular technicolor yawns that she had a case of food poisoning and I tried to keep her as comfortable as possible with some tea and companionship.  I didn’t even mention the fact that her “healthy stuff” was probably the culprit, so much for the hale and hearty talk.  I felt vindicated in my mundane culinary tastes.  She ended up sleeping through the night and felt much better this morning.  No more mystery mixture for her salads for the foreseeable future.  Earlier in the day I finished off the last in the series of Raymond Feist books that I recently bought, Kingdom Besieged.  This is the start of his last trilogy set in Midekemia and he hasn’t published the final book yet so I’m not going to read beyond this until he has.  This book was much better than some of his latest efforts even if it was mainly setting the stage for the culminating events.  There was some very good battle action around a siege which is something Feist excels at.  I really enjoyed the read but I'm going to wait on the final two.  I have one more book in the kindle to read before I re-descend into the world of Pahlaniuk again.

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