Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunday Adventures with “Pendejo”

Our Local Biscuit Heaven
Our friend, who when visiting usually disappears for home in the wee hours of Sunday morning, actually decided to stay and spend the day with us yesterday.  He accompanied us through our normal Sunday routine of church and the supermarket with a lunch at the local Cracker Barrel thrown in so biscuits were involved.  I love biscuits and no one alive makes them better than Cracker Barrel.  We had to fight the crowds trying to escape the madness that is Sunday on the nearby Massachusetts Turnpike but like I said, Biscuits!!!   We discovered yet another gaping hole in my friend’s cinematic education in that he had not yet seen The Dark Knight Rises.  I was more than ready to rectify this with an afternoon trip to the neighborhood Cinemagic.  My wife was not interested in seeing it again, I’ll never understand women (but that what makes them great!).  She decided to stay and watch the Olympics accompanied by Buddy (AKA Pendejo).  I enjoyed watching the movie again, especially the end where I was searching for some clues – Nolan does a great job with this ending.  When my friend and I left the movie it was pouring rain and I immediately felt bad for my wife who had to deal with Pendejo’s ever increasing fear of just about everything but topping the list is thunderstorms.  We returned home and were met by the wife and a very sheepish Pendejo.  My wife explained the thunderstorms came through and she tried to follow our latest tactic of ignoring the storm and the dog.  She said Pendejo was not to be tricked and she was afraid to go up and look at the guest room where our friend had been staying because that’s where Pendejo spent most of the storm (an area he is not allowed in).  My friend and I went up and opened the door and found the bed in total disarray.  My friend quickly assured me he had made the bed in the morning and was not responsible for the mess.  I started to take pictures of the bed and Pendejo arrived on the scene and immediately jumped into the bed – almost as if he was copping to the crime.  It was obvious he had tried to tunnel into the bed during the storm.  It was hard not to laugh really hard – especially when my wife was surveying the carnage.  I eventually distracted her by pointing out the noise making wind charm that she had installed on the back deck was damaged in the storm.  I had predicted this thing would succumb to the winds of our back yard and was not a huge fan of something that made noise every time the wind blew (her canaries sublimely passing on last year) but I still felt bad for her.  I eventually tracked down where the pieces of the charm had ended up strewn over an impressive span and she’s going to try and repair it today.  Pendejo refused to leave my side for the rest of the night – probably afraid of what my wife would do to him if caught alone.  My friend departed after helping lift a mundane and welcome weekend at home definitively above the norm. 
The Scene of the Crime
Pendejo Returns to the Scene and Cops a Plea
Wind Charm Damage (yes!!)
Who Said That???

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