Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wrong Sided Ally

My Daughter is Apparently Rationing Photos for Me But I did Get This One
Where Granddaughter's Out to Lunch with Wingman
Other than non-stop rain yesterday was a pretty good day. I went a couple rounds with the union and that’s always fun. More importantly I got a head start on some needed scheduling work in preparation for the hiring of the replacement for my old job. She’s coming in tomorrow for a final interview with the political leaders but that should be a slam dunk. It will be nice to get back to doing only one job again.
I finished off The Wrong Side of Goodbye yesterday by Michael Connelly. After the semi-disappointment of the latest Jack Reacher novel I was a little concerned that Connelly would also fall short with Harry Bosch. I shouldn’t have worried, it was fantastic. Bosch’s stories always involve his relentless pursuit of justice usually with high placed political types working behind the scenes against him. Harry’s now retired from the LAPD but working for a small police force as a volunteer. He’s called in for a private case to track down a billionaire’s potential heir while also on the trail of a serial rapist. Connelly skillfully weaves the competing plotlines into a very hectic week for the redoubtable Harry with the usual ominous forces shadowing his every move. It was so good I found myself racing through it which is what usually happens when the writing is this worthy. A definite win.

Not such good news for the date night movie. The date was awesome, as a matter of fact, just having a date again was awesome; the movie – not so much. Allied packed a lot of star power both in front of and behind the camera and that’s what I found so disappointing. I think if Angeline Jolie had seen this movie ahead of time she wouldn’t have been worried about her husband and Marian Cotillard because there is absolutely no chemistry between the two. They are supposed to be deeply in love but neither actor, and we both know they’re capable of producing it, elicited a spark for the other. That’s problematic when the entire plot pivots on the supposedly depth of feeling between the two. The film is technically a masterpiece, visually stunning, with crisp editing, period costuming, and interesting camera shots but it lacked heart. My expectations given the talent involved were not redeemed, a clear miss.
I received another photo of the condo construction underway in Panama. I'm not certain when it was taken but it offers a good view of our condo on the third floor corner. There are even some people standing in our what will be the master bedroom and shows just how close to the beach we're going to be. It will be cool going to sleep with sound of surf so close.
Here's Another One Grandpa

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