Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Who I'm Thinking About Today
The long national nightmare ends today as the debacle known as the presidential election finally, mercifully ends. I’ve never been so happy to have a DVR where I can speed through the commercials that have become onerous to the point of painful over the past few weeks. I’m going to vote over lunch time but I’ve never been in such a quandary before. I find Donald Trump beneath contempt. I vowed long ago, after seeing the Clinton machine up close and personal, that I would never support them in any manner whatsoever.
How the Country Feels Right Now
While I shudder at the prospect of either of them assuming the presidency and what that means for our future, as always I put my faith in the innate greatness of America. We won’t be destroyed; we’ll be stronger because of the experience. The concept of personal freedom and responsibility is still a fact for us and so ingrained that the social welfare warriors consuming Europe will never succeed here.  
She Made Another Friend at the Community Center
It looks like Clinton is going to win and that certainly qualifies as the lesser of two evils. I can only hope the bright shining light of the presidency and today’s instant media limelight will keep the scurrying cockroaches of Clinton venality at bay. One can certainly hope, even if it is not a method to live by.

Walking Should Only Be Attempted if You Have a Ball to throw

As I head to the voting booth today I’m thinking of my granddaughter and her generation (that’s what old farts do). They’ll face the repercussions of the results of today’s election much like my generation faced the Cold War. The silver lining for me is that my granddaughter will grow up knowing a female can be elected president, something unthinkable when I was her age. It’s kind of cool when you live in historic times, even if it involves the Hildabeast (sorry). I’m voting for Tom Brady.
Daddy's Girl
I had yet another heart rending FaceTime call with my favorite granddaughter. She remains incredibly busy when we talk but everything grinds to a halt whenever Daddy enters the room. While we were talking Wingman returned from an errand and she set off in pursuit as he walked through. In a move her mother used with me every time I came home from work when she was 1 year old she stopped in front of her dad and lifted her arms to be picked up. Seeing these type things manifest themselves so regularly is re-living those memories but without the constant diaper changes (at least for me).

I Love Forts!

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