Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Missing Pieces

These Two!
Yesterday was the first actual spring day New England has been granted this year. I marked the day by finally turning off the heat which seems really late to me. If nothing else this past year convinced me that natural gas is the way to go after all the prior years with oil heat. What was I thinking? At least the new house is gas heated.
Assisting Mom with the Menu
Supervising Operations
My absent wife and Cali-Daughter finally got out for their belated Mother’s Day dinner last night. I put my granddaughter in charge and she seemingly seized control as soon as they got to the restaurant. She had very decided opinions on the menu. She’s moving along in her transition to solid foods. She seems to like the frozen applesauce her grandmother was providing yesterday and didn’t gag on carrots although she did provide one of her evolving disgusted looks (see photo).
The Look
Carrots, Huh?
This Applesauce isn't so Bad
As May is marching steadily onward I’m starting to get really excited about the upcoming move and most of all getting my partner in crime back at my side. Watching the Red Sox together via Facetime is a poor substitute for the real thing. I met quickly yesterday with the guy who’s hopefully going to be building the deck on the new house. My biggest accomplishment yesterday though, and one I take no small amount of pride in was ordering a high chair for the upcoming visit of the First Blog Reader. To say I am excited about seeing both her and my daughter would be an understatement of multi-dimensional immensity.
Wingman (far right facing audience) in S.F. Last Night
Wingman's band's farewell tour passed through San Francisco last night and is headed south to L.A. He gets a day off today and will get to spend it with the charming three ladies currently residing in his apartment. I wish I could be there to see my granddaughter’s face when she realizes her daddy is back, at least for a little bit. I can sympathize. Some of the clearest memories I have from my time in uniform were those times returning home after long absences and seeing my family again. There always seemed to be dust in the air when that happened.

Back to 1000 Pieces
Finally the 1000th piece of the book store puzzle showed up last night. It was mysteriously located downstairs underneath Buddy’s bed. I’m not making any accusations but it seems fairly odd to have walked down all those stairs by itself. The Wonder Pooch did not chew it up which stands as a huge surprise. I guess he was just trying to send me a message.

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