Sunday, September 8, 2013

Timeless Saturday

While I abhor these month long absences from my wife I had plenty of practice when I was in the military.  She would stay at home while I ran around with a bunch of really well armed, similarly clad guys.  Now she’s the one who is deploying semi-regularly leaving me at home.  Yesterday was my first weekend day solo and I figured I would be able to get things done at my own pace, unsupervised, and also take in a couple bal games as well as a two movies I wanted to see. 

For some reason, I ended up almost harried in my attempt to get everything done.  Instead of the leisurely paced day I anticipated I was running from one thing to another.  I mowed the lawn, worked out, watered the vast gardens, did laundry, went to the grocery store, to Wal-Mart for puzzles, and cooked a couple meals.  All this activity mitigated against my planned day of luxury.  

It was funny with Buddy because he has a very definite routine with my wife when she waters the vast, all encompassing gardens.  He saw me turn on the hose and immediately took up an overwatch position on the porch and shifted as I moved around the house.  It looked like he was trying to educate me. 
A Selfie From the Wife in Panama
I had a couple phone conversations with my wife in which she castigated me for not calling her.  She didn’t want to hear how busy I was.  She’s finally decided to unpack her suitcase amid the frenzied activity of her arrival.  They now have to raise a bunch of volunteers with the same blood type as her father to enable the surgery, now scheduled for Wednesday.  I casually mentioned I had the same blood type and I swear I could hear the wheels turning in her head about getting me down there somehow.

I went to Wal-Mart because I was fresh out of puzzles and that is one activity guaranteed to keep me from wandering the streets during my solitary times.  I usually get them as gifts or through Amazon but I figured Wal-Mart has everything and they did.  My heart did skip a beat when I saw, prominently displayed, a 2000 piece version of the cursed French puzzle (see last year’s posts about that insidious adventure).  I didn’t choose that one. 
A Scary Moment
I did choose to see Riddick as Vin Diesel returns to one of his signature roles. It was so much better than the second movie which got a little out of hand.  It was much closer to the first film in the series.  It’s Riddick alone against a hostile planet and platoons of bounty hunters.  It’s not really a fair fight for either the planet or the hunters but it makes for a very entertaining flick.    
What I want to know is where did all my supposed free time go?

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