Sunday, June 9, 2013

Team Jell-O Shots

My Wife an I in a Golf Cart - What's Wrong with This Universe
Yesterday against my better judgment my wife and I were roped into a golf tournament of all things.  My wife had never swung a golf club and the last time I did was 1998.  To say we are rank amateurs is a severe insult to rank amateurs.  My favorite cousin and his remarkable group of friends were staging the tournament about 40 miles west of us so we thought it might be fun.
The Tournament Participants
My wife and I were assigned to different teams.  My team included four delightful young people and myself.  I’m sure they were a little taken aback by the old fart they were burdened with but they were incredibly good sports and so much fun to hang out with.  If my son hadn’t recently gotten engaged I would be trying to fix him up with any of the three beautiful young ladies from the team.  The young guy on the team was serving in the Air Force and wants to fly jets eventually.
The Chaos of the Start
Unbeknown to me the industrious young ladies of my team had spent the prior night making over 70 jell-o shots which accompanied us out onto the course.  I think the plan was to share amongst the entire group but, well since they were there – at every hole the team did jell-o shots.  I went along in the interests of team chemistry (it’s how I roll).  These were the first jell-o shots I ever had so now I’ve got that going for me.  The scary thing was that this fairly substantial intake of alcohol had no effect on my golf game – I am really that bad.

Team Jell-O Shots After Our "Epic " Run
We didn’t stink up the course, it was best ball and we relied heavily on the young ladies who hit some absolute bombs off the tee.  I went through almost as many golf balls as holes, peppering the wood line as if there was enemy present.  We were heading up the fairway on our second hole when a fairly large black bear broke from the wood line behind us and scrambled across the fairway.  I opined that some of our golf shots probably disturbed his rest and he wanted to escape the danger area.

We ended up back in the club house where I reunited with the wife who also had a fantastic time with her group.  We sat around a table with beers and the newly named Team Jell-O Shots.  This really was the highlight of the day for me just great young people.  One of our ladies even one the longest drive competition.

We ended the night over at the house of one of my cousin’s friends where the party continued well into the night with all the tournament participants.  My cousin has a close knit group of friends who are almost like family to each other and we were allowed a small glimpse into that fantastic camaraderie – so much fun.
The After Party
At the After Party - Wife on the Left

The After Party - My Cousin Had A Long Day

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