Monday, June 10, 2013

Hangover Chores

My wife and I woke up in my cousin’s home yesterday after the epic golf tournament and after party of Saturday.  It was one of those weird mornings where you wake up and don’t realize you’re in a different place – quick moment of panic.

I forgot to bring along a supply of alka seltzer so I faced the consequences of beer and Jell-O shots head on.  It was not a pretty sight – mass quantities of water seemed to stem the flow of pain emanating from my head.  My cousin, who was supposed to cook breakfast looked even worse and we put him out of his pain by deciding to leave early.

 Buddy contributed by corrupting my cousin’s dog Oscar.  Oscar never leaves his yard, until Buddy showed up to lead him astray.  Fifteen minutes of calling and searching finally had a very sheepish Buddy and Oscar galloping back from parts unknown near a busy highway.

I’m going to be traveling this week so there was no putting off the needed chores at home.  I usually enjoy mowing the lawn but yesterday was not one of those days.  It was a glorious day but sunshine and hangovers do not mix well.

My wife may be taking advantage of my business trip by sneaking up to Maine to visit a friend.  In case that happens, I took Buddy down to Rhode Island to spend the week with my sister. 

She offered to keep Buddy even if my wife doesn’t go to Maine.  I told her that Buddy is a critical element in passing time when alone in our house and that I was sure my wife would come and get him.  When I got home my wife was lamenting how empty the house was without Buddy, even for just the two hours I was gone.  He really is an integral part of our lives and it’s weird to have a piece of the fabric missing.  I’m sure my sister’s cat would agree.

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