Monday, June 17, 2013

Emotional Ride

There are some days when I just sit back at wonder at how blessed I am by the people in my life.  My wife and kids teamed up yesterday to make me feel about as special as humanly possible on Father’s Day.  The very best thing was having both of my far flung brood present with me for most of the day.  Having them around fills a void in my soul; the only part missing was the left coasting son in law. 

Void Filling Group - My Kids and I Yesterday
My son got up early to drive down from New Hampshire.  I told him not to make the drive if he wasn’t feeling well but he showed up anyways, although only able to speak in a low whisper due to some laryngitis.  He joined his sister and mother in some wildly extravagant gift giving.  The movie backlog sitting atop my mantle is once again out of control.

The best part of the gift giving though were the cards that each of them gave me.  I was extremely choked up by some of the kind words they chose to write.  I know I was kind of a tough Dad when they were growing up but to hear that they knew there was boundless love behind the facade was very emotional for me.  I’m still operating on the high they gave me.
My Son's Card
Keto Bacon Card Appropriately from Daughter and Son in Law
Even the MEF Got into the Act - From One of my Favorite Movies
If You've Seen "Up" you Know it Said "Squirrels!" Inside
After the gifts there was a mad dash up to New Hampshire to link up with the MEF and her fantastic family for a barbecue.  Since they came down to our place for Mother’s Day they wanted to return the favor.  Although it isn’t official yet – they truly feel like family already.  We met the MEF’s grandmother who was so much fun.  She’s semi-blind and living in an assisted living facility but she was still feisty.  She said the best part of her new home was the twice weekly happy hours (is it too early to get my name on the waiting list?).  She seemed to have traveled to or have a family member wherever in the world the conversation turned to.  I told her my challenge for our next meeting was to find a place in the world she had not been to – just a delightful lady.

Unfortunately we had to leave early because I had to drive my daughter down to New Haven to catch her return train to NYC.  I didn’t want her arriving too late in the Big Apple and then having to make her way home late at night.  It was a long drive but Connecticut behaved and I was still operating on the emotional high all the great people I was surrounded with yesterday.  Truly blessed.

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