Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Not So Furious Opening

Yesterday was the big ceremony to mark the opening of the new bus hub in Worcester.  It was the first time the boss could gather enough politicians together to mark this momentous occasion.  I got to work at my normal time and received a call from my boss (the good one) saying the overall boss was panicking and wanted everybody down at the site even though the ceremony wasn’t going to be for another two hours. 
The New Bus Hub - Photo From Same Spot as Last Year's Groundbreaking Ceremony
I made my obligatory way down there and proceeded to do absolutely nothing for the next two hours.  It did not put me in a great frame of mind for the ceremony because there was a lot of work back at the office, if they want actual buses to show up as scheduled, that wasn’t getting done because I was needlessly down there proverbially holding a nervous Nelly’s hand. 

I had a great seat picked out in the back where I could sneak out and get back work once the ceremony started.  As the politicians were massing for their assault on our consciousness level one of the protocol ladies came up to me and said there was a reserved seat for me right in the middle of the front row – trapped! 
View From My Seat - No Escape
Everyone of These Guys Made a Speech
The dignitaries were seated in front of us and barely fit in the width of the platform.  I was thinking there as no way that all of them were gong to give speeches until I looked at the program when the true horror was revealed.  All were being allowed to speak in a program emceed by the big boss.  He started out with a fifteen minute speech heaping praise on himself and the assembled politicos.  He then gave a three-four minute introduction to each of the succeeding speakers – I’m talking pain here – extreme, unmitigated pain.

I amused myself by watching the antics of a large young lady who had mistakenly pulled into the site and then had her car die on her directly next to the speaker’s platform.  Every five minutes or so she would crank her engine trying to get it started and failing each time.  Eventually someone showed up to give her a jump start and I was robbed of even that entertainment as they drove off. 
Ribbon Cutting
Eventually the speeches wore down and the politicos moved to cut the ceremonial ribbon.  My mind had been ground down in the barrage of self-congratulatory prose inflicted over the one hour and forty five minutes I sat there.  My boss was less sanguine and very upset that the big boss never mentioned him or me in his speech as he thanked seemingly everybody (as well as their second and third cousins).  I took the position that adding our names would have made the speech even longer and that would have been a bad thing – he was still very pissed.  I offered one of my favorite mantras – “Non Corribundum illigitimae!” (Don’t let the bastards get you down). 
F&F6 - See What I Mean?
Last night, being date night, offered a movie instead of watching the Sox get dominated by a very good pitcher (unfortunately for the birthday boy in attendance).  We went to see Fast & Furious 6 because there were so many unanswered questions from the first five.  I really liked the 5th installment but this one definitely “jumped the shark” in terms of ridiculousness.  There was the usual banter between the entertaining characters but there were at least five or six times where the audience just groaned at the sheer impossibility of what they were seeing.(see above photo)  One of the appeals of this series has been incredibly dangerous but believable stunts.  That all went out the window in this one as the director apparently fell in love with what the CGI world would let him do.  A clear miss.

I forgot to mention a couple days ago that I did the first of my weekly weigh-ins since I started the keto diet.  I wasn’t expecting too much but I lost nine pounds in the first week.  I was a little stunned because this doesn’t feel like a diet at all – color me psyched.  I even had to pull the belt a notch tighter to hold my pants up this morning, progress.

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