Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ironing Things Out

Yesterday saw another absolutely gorgeous spring day with temps in the low 80s.  Since it was so nice, I tried running for the second day in a row for the first time in a long time and got through it with no issues.  I’ve got an appointment with the orthopedic dude today so hopefully the knees are on the mend.

I received another parcel of movies from my latest Amazon browsing session.  I think I’m going to have to block that website to prevent temptation.  The mantle has been restocked with movies that I’ll have to figure out how to fit into the schedule.  Several are from way back in my youth including some horror movies so that schedule will not include my wife.  How do I recommend she watch some of her novellas upstairs without sounding like I’m trying to get rid of her?  Some finesse will be required (not my strong suit). 
My Out of Control Collection
My movie collection is truly out of control as it approaches 1000.  I guess at some point my life will slow down to the point I can actually go back and start watching some of them outside of when I first acquire them.  I’m not sure that would be a good thing or something I should look forward to (Busy = Good).

There was a good thing last night on date night and that was Ironman 3.  This was clearly the best movie of the three and that’s saying something since the first was excellent.  The director, Shane Black (former actor and member of Arnie’s gang from Predator but I digress), takes the story in a new direction.  While there are astonishing action scenes galore there’s a real attempt at exploring the personality and stress involved in being a superhero.  That may sound far fetched or just plain idiotic but somehow it works in this movie and that’s pretty amazing.  It works because Robert Downey Junior is just a simply remarkable actor.  I can’t think of another actor who could be supremely arrogant and still remain lovable but RDJ carries it off.  
Run, Do Not Walk to See this Movie

The size of my movie collection and my somewhat morbid fascination with all things cinematic will tell you that I’m kind of jaded in my film watching expectations.  It is so rare for a movie to really astonish me but I found my jaw actually dropping (no lie) and saying “Wow”.  This is a truly great movie.  As my favorite movie fanatic commented after seeing this movie, if this is an indication of what the summer blockbusters are going to be like – we’re in for a wild ride.  Again, wow!
The Hanging Pots Are Up - Another Sure Sign of Spring
Downhill Construction Continues

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