Monday, March 2, 2015

Leonine Arrival

So Much Fun with These Two This Past Weekend
The infernal winter kept up its reputation for demonic weekends by ushering March in with characteristic ferocity. The winter may just be losing a bit of its fighting weight though because we only got six inches and today temperatures may actually get above freezing for a couple hours. My wife is getting nervous as her return is less than two weeks away (cue cheering section). She says she won’t come back if the snow isn’t melted but I objected to a June return.
Then They Were Gone
Yesterday was already a down day before the snow made its inevitable return. I had to say goodbye to my son and the ABFA who’d generously donated most of their weekend to relieve my rural loneliness. My son didn’t escape without Buddy engaging in one more round of ring around the kitchen island chasing. Once they departed for home I jumped into the Sunday chores of clothes washing, grocery shopping, and couch potato consolidation duties.
But This Helped
I scored a huge coup at the grocery store almost accidently. I wandered by the meat counter – moth to the flame kind of thing – when I noticed a stack of huge, thick porterhouse steaks. Since these are usually thirty bucks a pop I generally pass them by. I glanced down to find they were on sale for only eight dollars! They’re probably infested with mad cow disease but I was not to be denied and was shortly the proud owner of two. Buddy circled the stove like a shark when I was broiling the first and I was forced to set up a series of obstacles to keep this well-known counter-climber away from the prize.

As the snow swirled I took up couch potato duties and immersed myself once again in the wicked delight of the new season of House of Cards which appeared on Netflix this week. Kevin Spacey and the Princess Bride continue their roles as the diabolical president and first lady. There’s none even remotely redeemable in the cast of characters and since we’re dealing with Washington politicians – completely believable. I knocked out the first three hours of the new season last night and I know what I’m going to be doing for the rest of the week. Spacey is mesmerizing.

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