Saturday, March 28, 2015

Canine and Equine Demonstration

I should be checking on the progress of emerging spring flowers at this point in the year but as I look outside the first snowflakes of yet another weekend storm start to fall. It’s supposed to be just 1-3 inches so there will be no impact on today’s planned journey north to inspect the future home of my favorite son and the ABFA. At the same time this winter just keeps hanging on, a real personality disorder.
The Camera Crew Interviewing the Political Boss
I had very little time to blog yesterday, something my Cali-Daughter called me on as I was drowning sorrows with her mother at Brew City late in the day. I spent literally the entire day hosting a pack of Canadians who wanted to learn about our use of electric buses. They were from Montreal and were a lot of fun. I was impressed with their professionalism and how similar the transit industry experience is north of the border.
Fuzzy Look at the Candians
I thanked them for not bringing up the recent domination of a certain hockey team from their home town. I think they realized they were in serious Bruins country and were gallant enough not to rub it in. Worcester served as the northern clime test bed for the new technology so the Canadians were very interested in our experience. The sales reps from the electric bus company trying to sell the bus to the Canadians hovered around the choreographed dog and pony show all day. They were a little nervous when I made my presentation about the operational issues we’d run into but it’s been mostly a good news story.

The Canadians were clever enough to shut the sales men down when they intruded too much and tried to get the straight information from us. It was a painfully long day because everything else on my plate had to be postponed while we were hosting. I even had to arrange some camera shoots for a CBC camera crew that accompanied the group. My final act of the day was taking the head of the transit agency to the local AAA office. He was a very personable guy and when I asked him as we were driving back why he’d gone to AAA he revealed he’d been looking for a new way to drive back to Montreal. He wanted to go through a certain New Hampshire town called Keene!

The trip advisor from AAA was out to lunch so he didn’t get real good directions but by the time I linked him back up with the rest of his entourage he was squared away with the best way to go to my home town. I even ventured some recommendations on dining at the Elm City Brewery.

After we sent the Canadians on their way I only had twenty minutes at my desk and a stack of work that grew exponentially in my absence. I chose loyalty to the appointed hour for First Friday celebrations over the work that can wait until Monday. My wife had come into work with me in the morning so she could spend the day reacquainting herself with her favorite TJ Maxx and Marshall hunting grounds before joining me at Brew City. She and another member of the Panamanian Mafia journeyed into Framingham where she claimed she was stuck in traffic when she was supposed to be in Worcester.
Wife and Excellent Boss at Brew City
She eventually made her way to our location where she met the fabulous Brew City gals who take such good care of us each Friday. I think she realizes now we’re looked upon as elderly uncles instead of any real danger by these fine ladies. My wife did take my excellent boss to task for the recent spate of coronary problems in the management levels of the company. He took it in stride. It was a lot of fun to have her join in the Friday fun.

At the Zorba Bar
We ended the night at Zorba’s which was uncharacteristically crowded so we spent some time at the bar waiting for a table, you know I hated that. There is such a different vibe when I’m there with her as opposed to my two months of solitude. The change is welcome; and then some.
Great Way to End the Day

Front Yard this Morning

Back Yard

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