Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Day of Memory Pi

This is going to be a short post because I’ve got a completely full house for the first time in too long a time and I want to insure I partake of every future memory available. Yesterday was a great day and not just because the math geeks of the world were emoting over the date’s signature sequence. My long absent Cali-daughter arrived yesterday with one of the Curbside Gals accompanied by the first Gen 2 curbside addition. He immediately became the star of the show. They joined my favorite son and the ABFA who traveled from Boston to make sure some sibling time was accomplished.
The Gen 2 Star Holding Court
My son was battling the after effects of a little too much fun with their friends in Boston on Friday night. The ABFA only remarked about his new found love of “Old Fashions” and shook her head sagely. His hair looked like something out of a Dali painting. A series of video calls followed where we reunited the assembled crowd with my wife in Panama and Wingman in Missouri. There was a palatable air of celebration and not just because my wife is due to arrive this afternoon.
We Eventually Got to be Good Friends
She will sadly miss these superb young people as they have to go their separate ways before her flight arrives tonight. I could not sleep late yesterday even if I could (damned Army habits) because I knew the house needed cleansing. The house was presentable when they arrived – the scented candles helped a lot.
Continued Fun at Zorba's
After a full afternoon of catching up and adjusting the universe together we adjourned for an early dinner at Zorba’s since my Cali-daughter has missed out on so many with her left coast tendencies of late. The only thing missing was of course my favorite Panamanian.

I hope, as you’re reading this, you have the opportunity either immediately or in the near future to gather those most dear to you and give them a hug. The medical effect of times like this cannot be underestimated. The departure of this huggable crew will only be bearable because of the most huggable Panamanian’s return.  
Front Yard This Morning

Back yard

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