Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Musketeers Reunion Painted

The wife completed her deployment to Northern Virginia accompanied by her Maine Friend.  In a true break from character they paused what I’m sure was a trip long conversation long enough to follow the directions I gave them.  Last year they were wandering around the Poconos after letting their need to talk overcome following the correct highways.  They were both inordinately proud about their historic achievement of completing a road trip as planned.
"Las Musqueteras" in Virginia Yesterday
They arrived at the house of the third best friend so the group known (to themselves) as “The Musketeers” or more appropriately “Las Musqueteras” was together again.  They were all young Latin ladies when they met back in the early 1980s at English class.  There was immediate chemistry which led them to blowing off class to pursue their true passion in life – talking.  The other two ladies were a Godsend for my wife at the time since she spoke no English and left all family and friends back in Panama.  They’ve been like sisters ever since.
In my wife’s frantic preparation for departure she took time to ensure my sartorial safety during her absence.  Since she would not be here to select and then inspect what I wore to work each day, she laid out ten days’ worth of shirts and ties along with some fairly specific guidance that I am not brave enough to violate.  Apparently a fashion faux pas by me reflects directly on her and she’s having none of that.  It was so much easier in the Army where they told you what to wear each day.
Athos and Porthos Dining alfresco Photo by Aramis
Another part of her pre-deployment preparations was to lay out a series of tasks she expects me to complete in her absence.  I’m beginning to think she doesn’t want me wandering the streets at night.  Since she’s a master of the marital art she couched these directions as suggestions, with such catch phrases as “If you have time” or “wouldn’t it be nice if you could”.  For any newly minted husbands out there – those phrases should be interpreted as direct orders.
So I was out painting the trim on the deck last night which did help pass the time in a lonely house, despite Buddy’s Herculean efforts to be entertaining.  I’ve still got another couple days’ worth of effort there along with some basement re-arrangement which should take me right up to the wife’s return.  The ladies of the greater Worcester area are therefore safe from my depredations.

She called from Virginia a couple times and I could hear the zest in her voice at having the musqeteras together again.  I’m sure the conversations went on until the wee hours of this morning.  She did make a tactical error by calling to say goodnight just as Jack Bauer was dealing death and destruction to the forces of evil as “24” returned to form and the body count swelled.  She could tell I was a little distracted and not appreciating her rendition of how fat the Virginia Friend’s cat was.  Even my wife’s legendary ability to talk could not compete with the force of nature that is Jack Bauer.

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