Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Basement Hangs

My wife’s wedding quartering plans are in full bloom now.  The upstairs closets finally succumbed to the size of her spare clothes caches to the point she needed additional basement space allocated.  She went down a size in clothes in the past year so she needed a new wardrobe but doesn’t want to abandon the old clothes since she night need them again (someday).

A few years ago I created a jury rigged hanging closet pole down there which has a truly impressive amount of ex-clothes hanging (including my devastatingly handsome pinstriped suit from college!).  I was beat into submission at work by a combination of demanding clients and spreadsheets so my wife sensed a need for me to perform some physical labor (or she knows I cannot refuse her anything).  She dispatched me to Home Depot where I acquired the needed implements for another jury rigged closet. 

I devised a new method that would have worked flawlessly if I had purchased a more cooperative form of wire.  I enjoyed the work which we accomplished while she carried on an almost continuous series of phone calls with friends and family.  My wife on the telephone is not considered multi-tasking, since the phone is akin to another appendage.

My New Creation Half Filled
I’m not holding my breath for my invitation to the Home and Garden network.  My projects will never win any awards for aesthetics but hopefully this one will stay up until I figure out how to reinforce the wire.  My wife wasted no time is liberally festooning her new storage space.  I even noticed some of my own “winter” clothes appearing on the rack.  My only worry (other than it falling down of course) is whether the monumental weight will bow the floor above.  I went back upstairs and her closet was still chock full.  I don’t know how she does it.  

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