Saturday, July 26, 2014

Big Guy Birth Day

This is going to be a short post because we’re scrambling to travel to Portsmouth this morning to spend his birthday with our son.  He’s brought such joy to his very proud parents that it’s hard to find the words expressing how much he means to us.  He was delivered via C-section at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington.  I was sitting in a waiting room when the doctor came and without saying a word escorted me through a series of medical rooms before stopping and pointed to what looked like a McDonald’s French Fry heating table.  That was my first look at my son and began his career of being everything a father could hope for. 
He's 29 Today and a Little Taller
His Table Manners Are Still Suspect Though
He loves dogs, the Red Sox (except for the player he selects to be his annual pariah), beer, and movies; so I guess he bred true.  Most importantly he loves the MEF and we’re all so excited as they start down their own marital road in a couple weeks.  Happy Birthday Big Guy!

Wife at Zorba's Last Night
Nothing much to report on yesterday’s First Friday activities.  It took well into the afternoon to fully eradicate the smell from my brain of Buddy’s implosion.  My excellent boss was in high form ranting and raving about the political leaders so Brew City was entertaining based on that alone.  My wife successfully maneuvered Sears into getting her the right machine which brought back memories of my own mother’s well remembered epic battles with my home town Sears.  We raised a toast to her at Zorba’s and thought she would have been proud of my wife’s hooking and jabbing with her old adversary.  We topped off the night with Ronnie’s Ice Cream because we’ll see the MEF today and did not want to disappoint (well that and the ice cream was awesome!)
Her Date, Yours Truly
MEF Sanctioned Dessert

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