Thursday, June 12, 2014

Presidential Detours into Copa Mundial

Alright, for all of you worried if I would not survive close proximity to our “beloved” commander in chief yesterday, I’m back.  I was astounded by the efforts of my drivers and subordinate street supervisors who kept the buses moving even though the secret service shut down two major thoroughfares for more than 3 hours.  I guess the Cantankerous Friend is right, when you live under the Obama regime, the secret is to adapt, circumvent, and overcome.  At least that’s what I think he was trying to tell me.
He Brought the Grin to Worcester
My trip home was actually fun thanks to Google maps.  Since my usual route home was presidentially interfered with, I had to recon a new way that went around the cluster.  I’ve always been a fan of the maps feature on Google but they’ve really augmented the coverage of their street view to the point I was able to map out the trip through a number of remote country roads and follow the route completely using street view so I could pick out landmarks for the turns.  I’m weird in that I actually enjoy exploring back roads and productive detouring so I was truly in my element for the return home.  It was such a pleasant drive I’ll think about using is even when we don’t have needy politicians bollixing up the roadways.
Lunch With This Guy Yesterday
My hump day travails were severely reduced with lunch with my favorite son.  The wedding is approaching at pell-mell speed now but he and the MEF seem to have everything under control.  They must feel the need for additional stress because they’re now looking to buy a house and were just pre-approved for a loan.  I’m standing slightly in awe of their capacity. 
I’m hearing all this noise about a sporting event taking place down in Brazil.  Something about kicking a round ball into a net once or twice every ninety minutes or so along with some Oscar worthy acting whenever slight contact is made.  This is usually the only time I watch what we ignorant Americans call “soccer”.  This year I need it as the Sox continue to implode (but I’m not complaining) and I could care less about the wretched NBA or a Bruinless Stanley Cup.
 When I was young there was a prevalent theme that soccer would take hold in the USA and become the dominant sport in my lifetime.  I guess I still have a few good years left because it’s still just a minor sport here (I think it’s the acting). My Panamanian and European friends are all atwitter about the upcoming games and I’ll be checking in to see what all the fuss is about. 
My slightly older but certainly not elder sister posted this poem a while ago.  Both of my kids loved Shel Silverstein growing up.  I think these are important words for the young ones to heed:

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