Saturday, June 7, 2014

Groundbreaking into First Daughter

The Shovels and Imported Dirt
Yesterday saw the long delayed ground breaking ceremony for the future facility to replace my current workplace.  While I kind of like the 100 year old trolley barn we occupy now (not), I am going to miss the leaky roof and abundant mice.  The new place was delayed as the politicians, as they are wont to do, wrangled over funding and who would get the ultimate credit. They eventually settled on a location that is also a brownfield so they could use environmental cleanup funds for part of the construction.

Dirt Breaking

That made the groundbreaking a little different as they had to bring in dirt from outside the site.  I guess they didn’t want the shovels melting when they broke the ground.  I kept a close eye on my shoes resolving to make a break for the street if they started smoking.  There was the usual suspects’ line up of local politicians who delivered the expected but the best speaker turned out to be the union president.  He gave a heartfelt speech highlighting the progress over the last couple of years on union-management relations.  He even singled my great boss and me which would have been unheard of from this union’s leadership previously.
The Crowd at the Site of the Future Facility
Once the speeches were over and the imported dirt broken I snuck out before the back patting was complete because I had actual work to do (and a blog post to complete, if we are completely honest).  My shoes survived the experience although Buddy did pay some extra attention to them when I returned home.
What the New Place Will Look Like - Definitely a Step Up
Since my daughter was up for the weekend for pre-Father’s Day events I had to include her in the obligatory First Friday celebrations.  I guess the area construction crews pushed the time limits on when the streets had to be open for traffic because I had to run a literal gauntlet of traffic tie ups.  I did finally rescue her from Charlton and we were only four minutes late to the appointed hour at Brew City.
My Daughter Captured the Sunset at Zorba's
Sometimes it’s the small things in life that make you sit back in wonder.  My daughter was thrust into our close knit work group and fit in seamlessly.  She was part of the conversation and joke making throughout the few hours we were there and I was extremely proud of her.  I commented on this to her as we made our way home and she blamed me.  She said by dragging her all over the world as an Army brat she was forced to fit in to new groups constantly.  I think that may be part of it or she could just be as remarkable as I know she is.  (I know I brag on my kids a lot – deal with it).
My Wife Going Through Her Usual Gyrations Prepared to be Photoed
Along With my Usual Reactions to Them 

Definitely Worth the Wait
There followed the de rigueur evening at Zorba’s and the attendant pizza.  The wife and daughter supplied the perfect seasoning for a truly fun night talking about virtually every available subject.  Times like these are so precious.  I beginning to think there really is some sort of aura surrounding Zorba’s because we’ve been there hundreds of times and it never fails to deliver the expected good time (even when the fantasy waitress studiously ignores such as last night).

The Two Most Important Ladies in My Life And Great Dinner Partners
I invoked the name of the MEF on the trip home to score ice cream for the second week in a row.  As my wife is not capable of desecrating the wishes of her future daughter in law, even when she isn’t present, our last stop before home was Ronnie’s and ice cream.  A pretty good day and when I can say that after starting out with politicians and traffic woes you know I was surrounded by some pretty special people.  Definitely.  
Not to be Outdone my Wing Man (Son in Law) Was Trying to Bring
Civilization to the Heathen New Yorkers With a Properly Labeled Game

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