Saturday, June 14, 2014

Penitent Flower Children

All of you afflicted with Paraskevidekatriaphobia (yeah, I had to look it up) seemed to have survived the mother of all Friday the 13ths, complete with full moon.  My luck certainly was in flux.  I wrote a few weeks ago about payback to the wife by agreeing to go to a dinner theater event she arranged with the Panamanian Mafia even though I arguably had better things to do.  Those better things involved a First Friday celebration with my son to kick off Father’s Day followed by Zorba’s.
The Mafia
As I wrote at the time I knew my arguments would rightly fall on deaf ears as I get to do that (minus the filial element) virtually every Friday.  I resigned myself to the inevitable and continued marital bliss by succumbing to her feminine wiles.  The night turned out to be a lot of fun mainly due to the company we were blessed to spend the evening with.  The play, not so much.
The Wife Enjoying the Evening
The location was extremely cool, a 300 year old tavern called the Salem Cross Inn in a nearby town.  There were a lot of exposed post and mortar beams and the place carried a real feel of old New England.  I’ve driven by it dozens of times and never stopped in but that will change.  The food was especially good.
I Did Too
The play was a murder mystery called Flower Power and the Hippie Revolution.  The audience was encouraged to show up in 1960s hippie garb but we declined.  My penitent attendance was only going so far.  The play involved a bunch of actors interacting with the audience but the plot (if there was one) never really went anywhere.  I don’t know if this was an experiment or something but the actors would bring out personal letters and read most of their lines.

Flower Power
So the play was kind of a letdown but doing something different while hanging with good friends in such an interesting environment made the night a resounding success.  We made our way home through the misty night to link up with our son who came down for Father’s Day weekend, so the night ended especially well.  
Extensive Planning for Mother Son Dance Started Right Away
I finished a book this week by he who shall forever be referred to in this blog as “The Master”, Stephen King, with his latest, Mr. Mercedes.  This book was a bit of a departure for him as there was no supernatural element involved but there was certainly plenty of his trademark evil.  The story involved the titular serial killer who attempts to induce the retired lead detective from his case into suicide.  His efforts have the exact opposite effect by getting the moribund detective back on his investigative horse.
The book contained King’s usual rich descriptive prose and character definition.  It reminds me how superior his writing is to my usual light fare.  He tells the story alternating viewpoints bouncing between the killer and the detective.  While the story starts out a bit slow King soon had me hooked as the tension builds towards the climatic confrontation.  King is so good at getting the reader to look one way while setting up a huge change of plot direction.  I could not put the book down after the half-way point as the detective and the unlikeliest pair of fellow heroes matches wits with the diabolical killer.  King remains – “The Master”. 

Finally – Happy Birthday to the big green machine, my beloved United States Army.  We had a tentative first date but after more than a quarter century in uniform you mean so much to the person I am and the country I love.  You remain the iron clad fist of American military power and the single greatest force for freedom in the history of mankind.  Hoo ahhhhh!!!!

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