Thursday, April 10, 2014

Upgraded – I Think

Just When I Think I've Figured Things Out
They Draw Me Back Into Beginner Status
I had a true Michael Corleone moment yesterday at work.  As with most people of my generation I’m a late comer to computers and technology in general (just ask my kids).  While they took to computers seamlessly I’ve had to bite and scratch my way into some elementary sense of computer literacy.  That’s why I felt like Michael yesterday as my office computer was upgraded with the latest generation of Microsoft Office products.  I was drawn back into the feelings of inadequacy by having to learn how to navigate through the new software. I’m sure it’s no big deal for the youg’uns but us troglodytes are a different story.
Obligatory Weekly Lunch Photo
This induced stress was mollified to a great extent by the weekly sanity lunch with my favorite son.  The bulk of the lunch was spent discussing the upcoming wedding rehearsal dinner which my wife has uncharacteristically allowed me to plan.  It looks like I’m going to have that Nashua rehearsal dinner finally, after a thirty five year delay (but that’s a story for another day).

Czar Vladimir Poised to Protect Those Poor Oppressed Russians In Eastern Ukraine
By Some Strange Twist of Serendipity He just Happens to Have Forces Poised to Do Just That
If anyone cares to notice (and not many seem that interested) Putin has started the second phase of his dismemberment campaign in Ukraine.  He staged a lot of troops on Ukraine’s eastern border during his Crimean takeover.  Now “Russian activists” are taking over government buildings and taking hostages in Eastern Ukraine.  This should ring some bells of déjà vu (especially for the Crimeans).  He’s threatening Ukraine over the natural gas Russia supplies them and in order to quell any European opposition also threatened their gas supply yesterday.  I’m sure the US will respond with a vigorous condemnation when Putin issues the launch order for his troops to move into Eastern Ukraine to “protect” those poor activists when Ukraine is finally goaded into reestablishing law and order. 

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