Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Divine Mortality Issues

My wife is exceedingly patient (well maybe not exceedingly) with my love of cinematic mayhem; be it sword play, gunfire, things blowing up, sex, and just general mayhem.  Every now and then I pay it back by going to see a movie that I wouldn’t go anywhere near without her influence.  Since she willingly went to see Captain America save the country on Sunday my payback was seeing God’s Not Dead for our weekly date night.
I’ve noticed that cinemas now gauge their previews prior to movie to the type of crowd likely to be watching the upcoming movie.  My wife really perked up when she saw the preview of this when we were seeing an earlier religious themed movie.
The movie itself is an obvious attempt at proselytization and has gaping holes in the plot, sequencing, and most of all acting.  The main story of many competing plot lines has a college freshman forced to defend his faith by an overbearing and morally corrupt philosophy professor.  They really stacked the odds against the good guys here with Hercules (Kevin Sorbo) as the professor and Superman himself (Dean Cane) as another bad guy. Despite all of the predictable melodrama I kind of sneaky enjoyed the movie.  It involved a discussion (albeit incredibly biased) of the ultimate Question.  If you can sit through this flick (and all won’t choose to) you end up asking yourself some pretty important questions.

A person’s personal beliefs should be arrived at on their own.  It’s an intensely personal journey that I started way too late (that’s not possible by the way) in my own life.  I’ve always had little patience with people who try to indoctrinate others or force them to think in a certain way.  That is probably why I came a bit tardy to my own personal beliefs.  You strip away all the pomp and circumstance of organized religions and you arrive at the base line – faith.  It will always be a question of faith and that’s not a bad thing.

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