Monday, April 28, 2014

Confirming Insights

I confirmed a number of things yesterday.  First of all I am more than ready for spring to actually arrive seeing as how it is now nearly a month overdue.  Seeing my breath in the morning a couple days before May is just flat wrong, on a number of levels. 
I also confirmed that my wife is a very serious catholic (not a fanatic mind you).  She extremely excited about the canonization of the two popes yesterday and insured I programmed the 3am ceremony into her DVR in our bedroom.  So I’ve got that to fall asleep to for the next few weeks.
I also confirmed that a visiting Chinese catholic priest combined with not one but two baptisms was a recipe for extended pew time for yours truly.  I’m not saying that I don’t need the extra time in the Big Guy’s house but I would at least like to understand what is being said. 
My Wife with the Confirmee
The day was rescued when we journeyed into Worcester for a dinner celebrating the First Communion of one of the Panamanian Mafia’s granddaughters.  My wife shares a special bond with this young lady as she was her dancing instructor (along with her sister) for Panamanian Folklorico dancing last year.  This is always a fun group to hang out with and yesterday was no exception.
And the Confirmee's Sister
The dinner was in the middle of Green Hill Park which is extremely well hidden in the middle of Worcester.  It offers some great views and it’s hard to believe it is completely surrounded by the city. Worcester does that to you, just when you’re ready to dismiss it as one of the ugliest urban sprawls around, it lifts its skirts a little to show you something like Green Hill Park. The wind was really cooking so the herd of children did most of their stampeding inside but I carefully placed myself out of trampling range. 
Green Hill Park
We didn’t attend the confirmation service itself since seating was limited (I was able to overcome my intense disappointment).  One of the guys complained that the service went almost an hour and half.  I trumped him with my Chinese baptismal fiasco which lasted even longer.

The Mafia Ladies
I’m into my second week of the Bruins playoff beard which proved deathly for the Detroit Red Wings with the hated Montreal Canadiens up next.  This is the promised weekly photo update.  Both my wife and Cantankerous Friend were complaining about the amount of gray involved in my beard so my wife attempted a Hellenic recipe to reduce that.  I’ve come by the gray honestly, earned over a long period of time, so I insisted most of the gray remain.
Bruins Beard Week 2

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