Sunday, April 6, 2014

Dogged Superstar

Yesterday was final four Saturday where I should have been firmly planted in couch potato position number one and watching what I later learned were a couple of very entertaining college basketball games.  I should have paid closer attention to the calendar when my wife volunteers us for certain events. 
Ruh Roh
As the week was consumed she reminded me that we were scheduled to go see a performance of Jesus Christ Superstar in the basement of our church (be still my heart).  Yes, I should have paid closer attention.  I also missed the opportunity to journey up to Keene to watch my Keene Friend attempt to win his Cadillac as chronicled in my last Keene thunder run.  I found the photo below on line today along with an email saying he started well but finished poorly and did not win the car.
Keene Friend (4th from Right) Back With Bud Gals Last Night
Another Keene Friend on Far Right
Before sampling the theatrical posturing of my local parishioners my wife came down in the morning to find Buddy and I engaged in some of our routine horseplay.  As usual Buddy’s claws had exacted some damage and I didn’t notice the blood coursing down my arm.  Buddy’s signature move is to use his front paws like hands slapping at you.  I usually end up with some scratches but it’s just too much fun to pass up.  My wife decided Buddy needed to be equipped with some boxing gloves and put some thick socks on his front paws.  Needless to say this did go over very well with a certain black lab.  He pranced around like a reindeer and looked at me like I had betrayed him on a very basic level.  The socks lasted about three minutes but produced a very funny video.
Buddy Very Unhappy With His New Gloves 
Appealing for Help

C'Mon Mom - Release the Hound
We were joined by our next door neighbors for the play which was a huge shocker.  I expected a very amateurish (excruciating) theater experience but I was totally surprised.  The local actors they used for the major roles had huge voices and the staging and lighting were professional level quality.  There were some very bad supporting actors and the Roman guard dragging Jesus after his scourging did trip and fall as the lights went down, almost taking down some scenery. 
Wife Surrounded by Neighbors at the Play
None of this distracted from the experience.  The basement wasn’t the best place to stage the play as we couldn’t see anything when they sat down on the stage and we were in the 4th row, I can’t imagine how bad it was in the back.  I always relish times when you are genuinely amazed and have expectations shattered in a good way.  I expected a painfully awkward evening which turned out to be a lot better than I could ever have hoped.  The company helped a lot.

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