Saturday, April 19, 2014

Really Good Friday

There are very few things that will cause me to pass on a celebration of the First Friday of the Week.  So when my excellent boss stuck his head in my office and proposed a Good Friday First Friday it was not without at least a little self-loathing that I answered in the negative.
That recrimination lasted all of about 1 microsecond because the reason I had to pass was a journey down to New Haven through the morass of the Connecticut highway system to retrieve my daughter and son in law.  That qualifies as a serious win on any level which was needed last night since both the Bruins (ouch) and the Red Sox were not so inclined.
I had to make the trip down solo since my usual co-pilot was sucked into her non-fanatical observation of the Catholic faith.  While this prevented some of my normal traffic avoidance measures around Hartford involving the HOV lane there was a surprising lack of traffic backups.  I arrived in New Haven well ahead of schedule and actually had to find a place to park instead of my normal snatch and grab routine in front of the train station.
The Wending Couple in New Haven
It was more than worth the wait as my very solitary feelings were immediately dismissed when spying the sought after couple wending their way down the sidewalk towards me.  An entertaining drive back to Massachusetts followed where significant catch-up on respective lives was pursued.  We performed quartering party duties at Zorba’s while awaiting my wife’s release from Catholic duties.  She joined us there while I tried (unsuccessfully at times) to avoid looking at the Bruins playoff game on the thirty different televisions. 
My favorite waitress swung by to say hello and has abandoned her pink hair experiment so Western Civilization may not be falling after all.  It was such a good time.  My wife has decreed that it is too cold to stop by Ronnie’s for ice cream yet so we assuaged our disappointment with some serious chocolate cake and ice cream, Good Friday indeed.

I was more than a little gassed after a long day at work and the soul sapping time always rendered by the Connecticut highway system but I didn’t want to give up on such great camaraderie.  We arrived home and my wife’s “proposed” wedding attire passed inspection by daughter and son in law to such a degree that she might actually keep it.  We ended the night watching Hannibal which is so delicious – a very poor choice of adjective there.  As stated above – a Really, Really Good Friday.

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