Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Chick Flicks and Imbecilic Squirrel Pursuit

My Keene Friend and I have an inside joke (is it still an inside joke if I tell you guys?) concerning my wife and her fairly puritanical views on movie selection.  In an effort to get her to see a movie through her fairly rigorous moral filter I always claim the movie is a “love story set in….”.  This led to some comical renderings.  Scarface as a love story set in an immigrants struggle for recognition, The Godfather a love story set in a son’s effort to keep a family business in operation or the classic - The Ghosts of Mars as a love story set during a spiritual revival on Mars.  None of this ever worked of course but it’s an interesting exercise; however, yesterday I may have pulled off the ultimate score.
I got my wife to watch Warm Bodies which is a romantic comedy set in a zombie apocalypse.  The funny thing is this was not one of my credulity stretching efforts described above (although I did minimize the brain eating parts).  It really is a romantic comedy, the Romeo-Juliet story with Romeo as “R” the flesh eating zombie.  If you haven’t seen this yet, you should, evidenced by my wife’s reaction who despite her reservations thoroughly enjoyed it.
So Funny
Two movies out this week to see so we expanded date night to include Monday night and went to see (huge surprise – another rom-com) The Other Woman.  I was the only attendee with a Y-chromosome and it seemed like a movie straight off the Lifetime (the evil men) Channel.  The evil man here was Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) himself who’s married to Leslie Mann but sneaking off for affairs with Cameron Diaz and Kate Upton.  The ladies discover each other and plot their revenge on the evil man.
There were some really funny moments, all of them involving Mann and Diaz.  I think Mann maybe the funniest actress in movies right now and Diaz has always had great comedic timing.  Upton absolutely destroys a white bikini (I think I was the only one in the audience who truly appreciated that) but her talents definitely do not lie in acting.  Nicky Minaj was also in this for some unexplained reason and was predictably terrible.  The evil man gets his comeuppance, the ladies triumph and although you could see that coming throughout the movie this was still a lot of fun to watch, mainly for Mann and Diaz (and the white bikini).
Buddy’s squirrel hunting credentials took a serious hit this morning.  We were making breakfast together when he alerted me to the presence of one of his rodent tormentors pilfering from a bird feeder.  He requested permission to engage the transgressor and we planned a devastating ambush.  I opened the door and Buddy achieved target lock, launching like a black missile towards the unsuspected infiltrator.  Everything was going well until Buddy, so fixated on the squirrel, forgot about the metal pole the bird feeder was hung from.  The collision was semi-spectacular.  I think the squirrel has prior experience with the Wonder Pooch because he didn’t even seem that surprised as he leisurely departed the area while Buddy tried to recover his senses.  The pole now has a Buddy level bend.  Thankfully nothing appears injured other than his pride.

The Aftermath of Buddy's Failed Attack
It’s hard to avoid the controversy surrounding the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers lately and we shouldn't.  It goes to show that money cannot buy common sense or even a modicum of clear thinking.  I no longer watch the NBA due to a game that has devolved to glorified one on one with rules that don’t apply to the superstars.  Sterling apparently took that to mean the rules of common decency didn’t apply to him even when more than 80% of his highest paid employees are African-American.  I grew up in a very “vanilla” childhood and didn’t interact with minorities to any great degree until I joined the Army.  I learned there the importance of judging a person by the content of his/her character and not the color of his/her skin (where have we heard that before – some of us were listening).  I like the fact this has come out and not just because I despise the NBA.  Racism equals idiocy and idiocy can never thrive when it’s exposed to public view.  My very wise sister posted this picture yesterday – ‘nuff said.

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