Saturday, April 5, 2014

Frolicsome Friday

Fridays, as a rule, are hard wired for fun and yesterday more than lived up to its responsibilities, except for late afternoon at Fenway.  It started out fine with the Red Sox doing their usual fantastic job of recognizing the world champions with a moving pennant and ring ceremony.  It’s so cool that they’ve had so much practice over the last few years (who thought I’d ever be able to say that!).  The game itself wasn’t as great as one of their relievers imploded in the 9th inning to cost them the game but that did little to din the pleasure initiated by the ceremony.
It might have helped that by that point in the day I was firmly stationed at Brew City.  My operations chief was joining us for the marking of the first Friday of the week and promised he would be there at 3:30.  My excellent boss barged into my office at 3pm and stated he found it unreasonable that the operations chief would beat us to Brew City and that he was enroute to preserve our honor.  He directed me to finish up what I was doing and join him (God I love my boss).  I think this is a truly promising trend.  If properly managed we could be lunching at Brew City by the end of the summer.
Returning home I ran into my wife who was coming home herself from zumba class in a more frantic mode than normal.  She’d received a text that some members of the Worcester chapter of the Panamanian Mafia had journeyed out to Charlton and were having dinner at Zorba’s.  She rushed upstairs and got ready in a truly breathtakingly short time.  I always knew she possessed the ability to get ready in less than an hour but to see it demonstrated was truly startling.
My Wife and the Mafia
Zorba’s was packed but the owner got us a corner booth and I set out in search of the mafia.  I walked by them twice before I recognized them because the designated jokester of the organization had grown a beard since we’d last seen them.  They’d already eaten so they joined us for post-prandial drinks while I devoured more than my fair share of our pizza since my wife was thoroughly distracted trying to get a word in edgewise with this fun group.  I was not so encumbered and the pizza was good. 

Successfully Distracted While I Attack the Pizza
It was a difficult tasking for this Friday – to live up to the expectations built up over the week, but it succeeded, most excellently, I might add.  Well except for those goofballs at Fenway but I am doctrinally prohibited from complaining about them for the entire year.

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