Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Transcendent Passage of Time

Last night, being date night, saw a foray to the local theater to see the sci fi opus Transcendence, featuring Captain Jack himself Johnny Depp.  This film has a fascinating concept involving the relationship of technology to humanity but misses the mark on a number of fronts.  Depp totally mails in his performance which dooms the movie since the plot revolves around his humanity.  He plays the world’s foremost AI scientist who’s loaded into a computer when tragically assassinated.
There were some really cool effects but plot holes you could drive a well-stocked semi through make it seem kind of silly.  The movie is told through flashback as we see the results of the climax before anything happens.  That plot device only works if getting there makes sense which this doesn’t.  Rebecca Hall does a great job as Depp’s devoted wife but she’s fighting a losing battle with his lack of presence.  Morgan Freeman and Kate Mara are criminally underused in supporting roles.  Instead of being a soaring statement about the possibilities and dangers of technology, it comes across as something trite; ploddingly so.
I had an interesting day at work yesterday when I was called upon to host a bunch of students from my daughter’s alma mater, Boston University.  They are sophomores working on their big research project (something she’ll fondly remember).  They wanted to learn about our use of technology and electric buses.  They were full of energy and had a million questions so it wasn’t the dreaded waste of time I anticipated beforehand.  It was kind of scary to see how impossibly young they all seemed.
(L-R) Jim, Fred, and I at the Fort Amador Causeway 1981
Speaking of young, while searching for the picture of my son and his spruce tree for yesterday’s blog post I ran across a picture from my own youth.  It was taken when I was a young lieutenant in Panama with two of my buddies (Jim and Fred) at our favorite Sunday afternoon hangout, the Fort Amador causeway.  We would park our cars next to the ocean to nurse hangovers and continue our pursuit of any Panamanian ladies that survived the crucibles of Friday night at the Albrook O-Club and Saturday night at one of our BOQ bohio parties.  It caught my eye because so much has changed since that picture was taken.  Whne we visit Panama we usually go to a huge restraint that’s been built near where this picture was taken. The open area directly behind us has been filled in with a fairly large hotel and the entire causeway has been significantly upgraded since the Panamanians took over.  It still brought back some great memories, pursuits being what they were at the time. (BOQ = Bachelor Officer Quarters)
The Causeway Nowadays
The Earlier Picture was Taken from the Far Right Side of this Picture
Looking Back Towards Where the Hotel is

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