Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring While Daughter Solved Mystery

Today is finally the first day of spring so I guess I should ignore the ice festooning the road and trees.  I’ll request the Cantankerous Friend to consult all his radical liberal friends about this whole global warming thing – really could have used it this winter. 
Emerging Wall
The snow is grudgingly giving ground at the house.  The garden walls are starting to emerge and there was even a patch of grass spotted in the back yard.  This is the time we should be seeing the first crocuses so I’m not all that excited, yet.  This is the winter that just keeps on giving. 
Back Yard
At least I did get to return to my weekly ritual luncheon with my first born (last born) son which provided the expected lift.  My wife later castigated me for my limited recollection of everything we talked about.  Apparently I should be able to recall every single thing said and dutifully report same to her; going to have to work on that.
Son and I Yesterday
My daughter sent me a link to a fascinating article yesterday.  She was at the airport heading out with the son in law to California for a wedding in Palm Springs (well lahh…ti…dahhh!).  She must have been consulting things avionic because the well written article presents the first cogent theory I’ve seen on what might have happened in the weirdness that is the disappearance of the Malaysian airliner.

The well written article was authored by a pilot who presents a convincing explanation based on the known facts instead of the wild speculation we’ve been inundated with over the past couple of weeks.  He posits an undetected fire could have caused the sequential shut down of communication systems that all the experts claims had to be done from the pilot seat.  When the pilot became aware of the fire his first instinct would be to find an airfield capable of handling his huge airliner.  The programmed left turn that’s mystified everyone put the plane on a direct route to Palau Langkawi, a 13,000-foot airstrip with an approach over water and no obstacles (the nearest airfield able to handle the plane).
The author theorizes the pilot could not return to Kuala Lumpur because of the mountain range that stood between them at that point.  Once enroute to the alternate airfield the crew may have been overcome by smoke of a fire they couldn’t control and the plane continued on its programmed flight path until running out of fuel west of Australia which is where everyone seems to think it now lies.

Anyone who reads the blog regularly knows the absolute disdain I hold the fevered approach taken in television “news” reporting.  The wild theories and speculation we’ve seen pale in comparison to this simpler but entirely too logical one.  It just isn’t sexy or entertaining enough to make the “news”.  The article can be found here:

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