Saturday, June 16, 2012

Daughter Return

Daughter and Wife on the Deck Last Night
Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure of driving through central Connecticut, one of the least pleasant things in the world, during rush hour.  One of the few things that would motivate me to attempt such a foolish expedition waited for my wife and I in New Haven.  My daughter took the train up from New York City to spend the weekend with us.  There was a short cut that I normally use where two interstate highways come together that always saves us from the worst of the traffic around Hartford.  Apparently the word is out about that shortcut because the roads were absolutely jammed.  After some fairly adventuresome tactics we avoided the worst of the carnage and escaped the madness that is the Connecticut state highway system.  We made the obligatory stop at Zorbas where the giant pepperoni pizza administered its normal medicinal effects and soon Connecticut was a distant memory as I reveled in the company of my two favorite ladies.  We later arrived at home and spent the rest of a fabulous New England summer evening out on the deck.  Buddy was doing his best to entertain us but mostly left us to amuse ourselves.  A phone call to our New Hampshire friend made us realize we would have to modify our planned excursion up there for today.  We will shortly leave for Rhode Island to attend the high school graduation of my sister’s son.  It should be a good day, I’m getting to spend it with some great people.

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