Saturday, September 17, 2016

Crashing into First Friday

Late Last Night Out on Deckzilla
Epic time last night as the afternoon’s First Friday Celebration was relocated to Deckzilla and continued well into the night. We set a record for attendees from work as nearly all the management staff showed up on a glorious fall afternoon. I spent a lot of time translating Spanish to English as my wife’s Cousin of the Legendary Laugh and her husband joined us out on the deck.
Friends From Work Guarded by Buddy
This portion of the fiesta was not without its adventures though. You all remember the glass shelf that I shattered a couple weeks ago and then replaced? My wife had me light one of those heavy candles in a glass jar on the shelf just prior to the party starting. I answered the call of nature, as I am wont to do during beer consumption activities. As I bent over to flush the toilet the bill of my hat made contact with the shelf and it all came tumbling down. This time I caught the glass shelf! Unfortunately the glass with the candle was not so lucky.
Lifesaving Tool
This event was not without accompanying sound effects so my wife charged into the room thinking I’d fallen (more on that later). She was greeted by the sight of me holding the shelf with red wax sprayed over a truly impressive range of the bathroom. She just shook her head in disbelief as I commenced cleanup. My wife is a former devotee of Pampered Chef and the most worthwhile result of that was this little piece of plastic they include to help scrape food off plates. That little item became the key tool in scraping the wax off the wall, sink, toilet, and my arm. I had the whole thing cleaned up and was back to the party in less than ten minutes.
The Ladies
As the work friends declared victory and left for home the Panamanian Mafia started to appear for the second phase of the party. Pizza was summoned along with the usual assortment of culinary delights my wife and the Mafia produce. This is when the second crash of the night occurred. Buddy had been protecting the party from any invading squirrels but the combination of food and the Wonder Pooch is not recommended. I was escorting him through the crowd towards his lair when he suddenly lurched towards the pizza. I know I should have been ready for it or more intelligently let go of the dog at this point. I did neither and ended up crashing down into the food table. It was more embarrassing than painful and Buddy realized he had screwed up in a major way. The presence of too many witnesses spared him the summary execution I was contemplating.

The Table Post Crash
The rest of the evening was too much fun as neighbors and the Mafia held forth out on Deckzilla. The temperatures descended to the point that even the gringos were donning jackets. There was the obligatory dancing that takes place any time the mafia gathers which Deckzilla handled with aplomb. The party broke up a little after 10pm which made this First Friday celebration more than seven hours long – epic! I’m glad our visitors were able to experience just how blessed we are with friends here in Worcester. Now if I can just figure out how to avoid crashing into things.
Favorite Son and ABFA are out Climbing Mountains Today

Meanwhile out in California Our Little Social Butterfly was Holding Court

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