Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Yesterday was supposed to see the return of my wife and the PanaGals from their Maine sojourn.  They reported in the morning they had left Waterville semi-on time which is an accomplishment in and of itself.  Buddy and I spent the day ensuring the squirrels did not infiltrate the back yard; okay that was mostly Buddy.  My son and her wife started their honeymoon on Oahu with some appropriately tropical drinks.  It’s semi-circular that they’re staying in a Waikiki Beach hotel that is right next door to the military hotel the family stayed for a month while awaiting our quarters on base back in 1994.  Sometimes life in the military is tough for the family (just saying).
First Drinks in Oahu Yesterday
It is appropriate at this time to reveal the ex-MEF’s new blog nickname.  She can no longer be accurately described as the Most Excellent Fiancé although she held that title with aplomb.  Her new nickname going forward will be the BFA standing for Best Family Athlete.  I’m given to understand her husband disputes the appellation.
The Three Musqueteras in Maine
I was wondering if I had time to sneak in another movie before the PanaGals’ return when I heard they were victimized by an insurmountable obstacle on their trip back.  They were called upon to drive by the huge outlet mall and were simply incapable of bypassing it.  They entered the shopping vortex shortly before noon and fell off all radar scopes.
PanaGal Shopping
I correctly surmised I could see several movies at this point.  At my daughter’s urgent recommendation I went to see Boyhood, the latest movie by director Richard Linklater.  I went in with a little trepidation because my daughter’s and my movie tastes are not exactly in synch.  Her recommendation was more than redeemed with a fantastic movie.
Boyhood was shot in stages over twelve years and follows the life of a young Texas boy as he grows into manhood.  It was fascinating to see all the actors age as the movie unfolded.  This is usually done with make-up and CGI but in this case it was truly authentic as the young boy aged before our eyes into young adulthood.  The writing was also top notch as they took the simple transitions most kids go through and brought them to stark life.  There wasn’t any attempt to over dramatize but to let the flaws every family finds be explored.  It was funny that the boy had an older sister who tormented him.  My daughter identified with this as I’m sure her brother would.
The Lead Actor as he Aged Through the Movie
I returned to a completely empty house as my concerns about the location of the PanaGals was realized.  They were still in Maine.  My daughter called to find out what our plans were for today’s visit to NYC and I had to plead a complete lack of knowledge.  She said she knew the PanaGals had not returned when I answered the phone and there was no steady background noise.

Buddy Admiring the T-Shirt the PanaGals Bought me in Maine
The intrepid shoppers were finally able to break free from the clutches of the outlet mall around 9pm (that may have been because the mall was closing).  They pulled in shortly before midnight exhausted but well shopped.  I’m a little amazed they were able to fit all the shopping bags as well as their suitcases in the overburdened car.  I was immediately put to work with making reservations for a NYC hotel for tonight.  The house was no longer quiet, blessedly.

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